Dumb n Numb

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Harry & cat

Harry bought groceries every Tuesday. One Tuesday a black cat crossed his path and jumped onto a fence.

"you here to bring me bad luck and misery?"

The cat simply looked up at him with his staring, yellow eyes. Harry, who had little interest in cats found no amusement in his constant staring, and all in all he was just delaying him. Not that he had anything to do at home. He took a long sway around the cat, who's head followed Harry the entire time.

It was just around noon, that was the time Harry liked to go to the store, it was most often quiet and or empty in all. Who goes to the store at noon on a Tuesday?

Harry walked straight into the store and got a vanilla yoghurt and musli and other necessaries he needed to live alone in an apartment in the middle of a strange city. He had no idea as to why he had moved so far away from his parents on his own will, but maybe it was because now he can listen to the music he wants and dance around in his underwear and he can try to catch the toast from the toaster with a plate on his head. That was something his mother couldn't stand.

Being an only child and not having many friends left the imagination of fun to Harry every day after school.

After Harry was done shopping and paying for his groceries and receiving a bag with a smiley face on it that read: Thank you Have a nice day, he walked out only to be reminded of the cat, now sitting even closer to his apartment. He huffed, and walked ahead. As he was attempting to avoid the unnerving eye contact as he was walking by, the cat striked, grabbing his sweater. Harry yanked back and looked at the cat who he felt was silently judging him.

"What do you want?"

Suddenly a girl, around Harry's age walked towards them.

"aww, cute cat, he yours?"

Harry and the cat looked at each other, then he looked back at the brown haired girl who's eyes matched with her sky blue coat. Her hair was up in a long ponytail, that swung around as she walked closer, then finally stopping a meter away from Harry.

"uuh, I hope not"

She threw her head back in laughter, showing off her beautiful, straight, white teeth. Her nose crunched and her breath could be seen, since summer was just starting to leave. Sweaters keep Harry warm all year 'round.

"I'm Nora" she commented and threw her hand forward. She's open like a book, other than Harry.

"Harry" he answered and shook it.

"Nice to meet you Harry. So you're just passerby's? a one night stand?" she giggled.

"well, he can't seem to let go" she laughed and took the black, scrawny cat into her hands and retrieved it's foot from Harry's sweater. "thank you" he said sweetly.

The cat stroked it's head against her chin.

"he's sweet" she acknowledged. "you should keep him" she looked up at Harry "you resemble one another"

Now Harry's cheeks took a tone of deep red, and rubbed the back of his head. Did she mean he was sweet?

The cat looks to be homeless, with a few cuts here and there and doesn't smell his best.

"well, anyways, I have to get going. I hope you two find each other again" she smiles and walks off, leaving a scent of vanilla behind. Reminding him of his favorite yoghurt.

Was she really talking about the cat?

Next Tuesday Harry had thought of Nora a lot. How her eyes squinted when she threw her head back in laughter. At night her laugh would echo in his head until he would fall asleep.

He walked out of the apartment at noon and towards the little store in which he bought his weekly groceries. He got most of the same, the yoghurt, the bag. It wasn't until he had walked past a certain fence he noticed yellow eyes boring into his eyes. He turned and saw the scrawny cat once again. It sat there quietly, wagging it's long tail.

Now that he thought about it, the black cat had never brought him bad luck and misery. He had brought him Nora, which was the absolute opposite of bad luck and misery.

He patted his head in a sort of "thank you" way.

"I see you two have gotten along"

Harry looked to the side only to get lost in the sky blue eyes of Nora that matched her coat.

"yeah, he can't get enough of me" he smiled his crooked smile and she smiled right back. Her brown skin perfectly matched her hair. It was if God had made her of all things beautiful. Harry of course would have been a total train wreck, he thought to himself if that was the case.

Harry noticed her eye his groceries.

"I just bought coffee, would you like some?" she smiled at his offer. "I also have milk for...that" he gestured to the black cat, still sitting on the fence, swaying it's tail.

"I'd love some" they smile and head off to his apartment, the cat following.

"Maybe we can share custody"

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