Star wishing

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Ursula & stars

This is what she always did. Now that she is no longer alone she doesn't. It's sad. It's a habit she doesn't want to get out of, like drinking orange juice straight from the carton.
But this means so much to her.
She used to do this as a kid, her mom would work late as a nurse and leave it up to her to go to bed early.
There were times where she thought she would never come back, so she'd get out of bed in her pyjamas and sit down beneath her bedroom window and wish. Wish for my mom to come home, and every night she eventually did. The stars made her wishes come true almost every night.

Once in class she was asked if she believed in God.

"Is God the stars?" she asked, missing a front tooth.

"God is everything" her teacher replied.

The nights she couldn't sleep she would go sit under her window and just look up and see the familiar glow of the stars.

"Ursula?" She looks back to the voice that spoke to her from the bed. "What are you doing on the floor?" He's groggy and tired.

"Nothing" she answers him and stands up. "Nothing" she repeats as she tucks herself in between his limbs and falls asleep from the warmth he radiates with the stars in the background.

This is what she always did. Now that she is no longer alone she doesn't. It's sad.

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