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A month has passed since Penelope had been killed. As the days go on, the pain became more tolerable. It never grew smaller, but my tolerance for it grew larger. The wounds healed fully on their own. I walked through the castle at my usual hurried pace. I had to get back to the library in time to listen Daniela's first rough draft. She had been studying so hard for her first draft to be perfect. All of her time and effort was poured into it. I was excited to hear her first version. Yeah, it would probably need help, but I was excited! As I entered the room, I was amazed that everyone else was already there. Daniela sat in the middle of the sky dome. The sunset sky was painted behind her. She sat in a tall chair while everyone else sat on pillows.

"Finally, you made it!" Cassandra chided as she patted at a star covered pillow. "She's been waiting for you!"

"I'm sorry! The other maidens needed help with the blood draining," I explained. Lady Dimitrescu groaned in reply.

"The incompetence," she muttered quietly. I took my seat between my lady and Cassandra. "Why are you sitting there?" I stared up at her confused. She rolled her golden eyes as her arm hooked around my side and brought me into her lap. "I assure you; you will be much more comfortable here." A sly smirk graced her dark red lips. I blushed in reply as Bela took my spot on the pillow. Daniela stared down excitedly at us.

"Okay! Lost Trains!" She giggled as she opened up her manuscript and began to read. As she got part way through chapter three, I was captivated in the story. Everything about it was beautifully illustrated in my mind. Stars poked through the night sky as she finished the chapter. Bela, Cassandra, and I begged for more. Daniela preened in the praise she got from her story, but Lady Dimitrescu stopped us. Her head pointed toward the clock.

"It is an absolutely lovely read that we will continue tomorrow," she said. "I'm sorry to say that you all will have to wait."

"But mom!" The girls whined. She shook her head, her order of the night absolute. I groaned alongside them as we all go up. The girls trailed away with heads hung low as I started to grab the pillows that they left behind. My lady stayed behind with me. She grabbed a bright red pillow and handed it to me. A smile crossed both of our faces as I put the pillow on a nearby chair.

"Would you like to retire for the evening as well?" I slowly nodded as I rubbed at my eyes.

"I think that would be best."

"Are you coming to my room first?"

"I can if need be." My lady nodded as her hand held out to me. I grabbed it and she took me back to her room. When we trailed back to her room, she shut the door behind us. I yawned as I crawled up onto her bed. We had a system worked out because of how regular of a routine this became. She trailed over to me slowly as her eyes focused on my neck. The dress I had on now led for amazing access for her. She sat down behind me. Her breath tickled my neck as her lips gently pressed against the nape. I stifled the moan in my throat as her canines grazed my neck. I shivered as her arms wrapped around me. My heart raced. No matter how often we did this, it always sparked a flame within me.

"You are so intoxicating," my lady said before her teeth sunk into me. I bit my lower lip as I tried to stifle the moan. Her arms tightened against me as I felt something burn from underneath the dress. I bit my lower lip as her hands started to trail my body. I don't know why she always rubbed against my inner thighs when she did this, but I loved the feeling. Her touch was fire even if it was not against my skin. My legs spread open a bit wider on their own. I felt the fire from my lower half. It was unbearable to ignore.

My hands fell on top of her as they rubbed against my inner thighs. "M-My lady," I shivered. I tightened my grip on her hands as her teeth left my neck. She did not take nearly as much as normal. My head was not spinning from the blood loss yet.

Head Maiden of Castle DimitrescuWhere stories live. Discover now