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I woke up and my body hurt worse than normal. I groaned as the early light of dawn walked into the room through the window. I glanced at Alcina's sleeping face as she snuggled against the pillow. A small smile crossed my face. Her bloody bite marks traced my whole body. Everything felt sensitive, almost pained as I carefully got out of her grip. I slipped out from under the covers and aimed for the shower of her bathroom. For a while I stayed under the hot water. A content sigh escaped my lips. I could not remember the last time I woke up so early. I jumped out of the shower soon after and wrapped a towel around my body and hair before I went back out into the room. I hunted for a dress from the extras that she kept in a small drawer for me. I grabbed a dark purple one and set it on the bed. The larger body in the bed groaned as she shifted around the bed. I watched as her arm scanned my side of the bed. The upper half of her body shot up a moment later.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty," I chuckled as I towel dried my hair. Her attention turned toward me. "How did you sleep?"

"Better," she said quietly. Her hand lazily jutted out to me. I tilted my head. "Come back," she whined. "I want a hug." My eyes rolled up before I obliged her. She grabbed at my forearm and pulled me into the bed. The towel fell off of me as pulled me close to her. Her lips found mine for a lazy morning kiss. I hummed in delight as I kissed her back. Her arms snaked around me as her lips trailed down toward my neck. I whined from the pain.

"Alcina please not there," I whimpered. "It hurts especially since you won't let me heal them." A dark chuckle escaped her lips.

"Well, I guess I will just have to go lower," she purred against my neck. Her hands went to my hips and held up as she repositioned herself. My thighs straddled her head. I gasped as I felt her lips press against my inner thighs. "A double breakfast sounds amazing this morning," she claimed huskily as her lips sucked on the skin of my thighs. I hummed as my head lulled back. Her teeth slowly sunk into the softer skin, and I gasped. My hands raked through her messy morning hair as she drank. I whimpered as my thighs held onto her head.

"I wonder why getting your blood drank turns you on so much," Alcina teased as she licked against my dripping lips. I moaned as she kissed my lips.

"It-it's because it's you," I whimpered against her tongue. I heard the shift of bedsheets from behind me. I turned and saw her legs spread under the sheets. A free hand went in between her thighs. The slight shifting of fabric brought a moan out of me alongside the tongue that slipped between my lips and flicked at my clit..

"O-Oh god," I breathed. A deep chuckled rippled through the woman as her head tilted back and stared hungrily at me.

"God won't help you here."

"W-Wait," I squirmed underneath her. I repositioned myself so that I was turned toward the rest of her body. I knew that the length of my body was basically her torso. I pulled the sheets aside and watched as her fingers skillfully played with herself. I went down on all fours and gently pushed her hand aside. I took her fingers in my mouth and my eyes went up to the ceiling. The salty sweetness was delightful. It was damn near sinful. Alcina groaned as I felt her shift underneath me. Her tongue darted into my hole, and I gasped as I let her fingers go. My head swung between my shoulders, and I stared at her beautiful wetness. My tongue trailed the outside of her lips. The gasp in response was music to my ears. I wanted more. So much more. My tongue slipped between lips and flicked at her clit as I felt a finger flick away at mine. My one arm went around her leg for better access as my spare hand teased her hole. I slowly slipped one in as her tongue went harder against me.

"E-Elena," Alcina breathed against me. I moaned into her clit as I slipped in a second finger and fucked her faster. Her walls tightened around my fingers as she gasped underneath me. I went faster as I heard the moans turn into screams. God, it was such a beautiful. "Elena!" Her walls convulsed around my hand as her clit twitched under my tongue. She shook underneath me as she moaned incoherently. I drank every drop that came out of her. Her scent and taste were intoxicating. I felt drunk. Her nails dug into my hips as she dragged me back to her. I sat back up as her tongue fucked me faster. I screamed as her fingers furiously sped on my clit. The fingers that were inside of her went up to my lips and sucked them clean. I came as her taste touched my tongue. I moaned against my fingers as my body shook underneath her.

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