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The ride to Lady Beneviento's manor was awkward and painfully silent. When our eyes made contact, she and I turned away. My heart broke bit by bit as we made our way to the manor. I fiddled with my hands as I stayed content staring out the window. When we grew closer, my eyes trailed back to Alcina. Her eyes were focused on me and did not look away. My brow raised in the silent question I wanted to ask. She shook her head and looked away. Before I thought of something to say, we were at the estate. I shook my head slightly as I climbed out of the carriage. I stared at the estate that was covered in the usual slight fog. A small chill ran down my spine. I could not see how Caiden could call this home every day. Everything about it was a horror movie reincarnated. We walked up to the house side by side and up to the door. The tension between us was thicker than the fog as Alcina knocked on the door. Caiden and Lady Donna greeted us. Their hands were intertwined, and Caiden bowed toward Alcina. A glowing smile came from my lips as I stared at Lady Donna. Her cream-colored blouse, brown slacks, and leather belt suited her perfectly. The mask that showed her left eye was beautifully designed with the Beneviento Crest. It was absolutely stunning on her. I never knew she had dark eyes or dark hair. I loved this side of her! I can see how Caiden has made such a drastic change to the woman. Their hands intertwined was also heartwarming to see. I'm so happy for them.

"Welcome to House Beneviento! Please, come in," Caiden said softly. Alcina crouched through first before I stood on the other side of Caiden. Her golden eyes stared shocked at Lady Donna. I noticed Caiden's face paled as my hands went down to the interlocked ones. Lady Donna held it in such a firm grip that it looked painful. I glanced back at Alcina. She was not saying a word and I internally sighed. Damnit, Alcina. Say something!

"My lady, doesn't lady Beneviento look stunning?" I asked sweetly. Alcina shook herself out of her trance and I internally rolled my eyes.

"She looks absolutely amazing. I love the new style," Alcina admitted softly with her usual gentle smile toward Lady Donna. I noticed her eyes glint downward before her smile turned sympathetic toward Caiden. "Your maid will need her hand if she is to finish up supper, Donna. How about holding onto mine and we go take a seat." Alcina held her hand out toward her little sister. Caiden squeaked moments later. She physically had to hold herself up as her hand was crushed. Alcina and I both turned sympathetically to Caiden as she lived through the worst of it.

"I-I can handle it, Lady Dimitrescu," Caiden whimpered. I noticed as Alcina's eyes glimmered with something akin to pain. I frowned slightly. Poor Lady Donna. The shadow lord was terrified of being without her right now.

"Well then, where would you like to sit? Maybe our maids can at least make tea? I promise you will not be made fun of while under my protection." Alcina leaned down further so that Lady Donna would be more willing to take her hand, like a baby bird to a hand full of seeds. Lady Donna turned toward Caiden moments later. Caiden gave her as charming of a smile as she could muster.

"I think Lady Dimitrescu will knock the hell out of someone," she said with a chuckle. "I'll make the tea and be right back at your side. I promise." Lady Donna nodded as her hand let go of Caiden's. The girl grabbed something from her own dress pocket and pressed it into her palm. Whatever she said in Lady Donna's ear was calming enough that the woman down and grabbed Alcina's offered hand. Alcina smiled warmly as the dolls surrounded them and Angie started to talk to her as they walked away from us. When they were far enough away, Caiden grabbed her injured hand and hissed. I shook my head slightly as I chuckled. I led us both to the kitchen a moment later so that we started the tea.

"Soooo, you two seem to be getting rather close!" I stated gleefully as we entered the kitchen. Caiden went right to work with making the tea and checking the food that bubbled on the stovetop. I smelled the mulled blood from where I stood. It was so heavily spiced; I might be able to guess what was inside. A broader smile crossed my lips. It is so nice that she thought of my darling, even though she was not being a darling at the moment. I still wanted her happy.

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