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Throughout the week, everything went back to our kind of normal. A new influx of maidens came to the castle and were terrorized by the girls unless I was nearby. When I was there, they went about their business like nothing ever happened. Confused and horrified maidens glowered at me when that happened yet had no idea why. Freida was someone I made sure to check up on, on a regular basis. She was typically somewhere near Cassandra now at all times. Whether that was by coincidence or not, I was never sure. However, it was adorable that Cassandra had a friend. Freida always had a random task at hand that kept her close, and no one complained as long as she was doing something.

My final day before my inevitable departure approached me before I knew it. Alcina held my hand throughout the entire day. Whatever I wanted to do, we did. That look of concern that I saw periodically throughout the week was well-worn on her face again. My hands reached up and she leaned down so I cupped her cheeks. She tried to hide her concern with a smile as I stared into sunshine eyes.

"What are you not telling me?" I asked flatly.

"W-What?" Her face was filled with false surprise. My face deadpanned.

"Something is brewing in that head of yours. Now, speak your mind. Please. Before the both of us loose our minds." The huff that Alcina gave was one of defeat as she removed herself from my grip. Her eyes glanced around the hallway we stood in. Her hand slipped into mine and I followed my loving vampire out onto one of the many balconies. Something inside of me grew cold. The last time I was out here, I was dragged to the basement. A memory that haunted me on some nights when Alcina and I fought. I shook my head. That was not the case this time. At least, I hoped it was not.

"I'm upset," Alcina said as her larger frame leaned against the balcony and overlooked the mountain range that circled the castle. I leaned my side against the smooth stone of the balcony and stared up at the woman I loved. A frown tugged at her crimson lips as her eyes looked out into the distance. A hard gaze glared down at a cliffside. I gulped.


"You know what about," she hissed. Her head whipped toward me. "You going out and galivanting in the reservoir!"

"Alcina, I cannot back out now."

"I know." The growl trembled against my ears as she huffed and turned away from me. "I hate that you volunteered yourself. I hate that Mother Miranda thinks she can just send the servants to do a lord's work! He was our brother! You would think she would send someone more capable!"

"You don't think I'm capable?"

"I..." her voice fell as her shoulders sagged. I noticed as her arms crossed over her chest even though her back was turned to me. Her head hung slightly lower. "It's not that I don't think you are incapable. I think the three of you could cause a deal of trouble and get out of it. However, I just don't want to potentially bear witness to your carcass on my doorstep because she was too stubborn to send us."

"Alcina, you have to have more faith in us. If anything, we are family. I can also heal us at any point."

"But what if they can't protect you?" Alcina turned on her heel. Golden balls light shot through me. I was paralyzed under her gaze. "Mother Miranda forbid, but what if Caiden and Nikolai cannot protect you? That thought has been weighing heavily on my mind."

"They can."

"You don't know that."

"Mother Miranda does!"

"And?" Alcina's voice grew louder. "She's not ME! I don't know! I don't know what or how they could protect you!" My shoulders fell from the weight of her words.

Head Maiden of Castle DimitrescuWhere stories live. Discover now