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Mother Miranda travelled through black and gold portals that came from black root-like things. It had an elastic feel to it when we travelled through. Nikolai was dropped off in front of Heisenburg's factory before we continued to the reservoir. Caiden and Moreau sat across from each other. They both mirrored ragged, tired expressions. Caiden stood as Mother Miranda and I stepped out of the portal. The head swung in her hand and caught Mother Miranda's attention. Her smile was as sweet as honey as she held out a hand. Caiden handed the head over which the woman took with joy.

"It seems like you made easy work of her," Mother Miranda cooed as she looked at the head. Something akin to fondness entered the woman's eye which creeped me out more than this should. "So that's how she would have looked if she stayed," Mother Miranda murmured lowly. My brow slightly quirked up. By how low her voice was, I don't think I was supposed to hear it.

"Easy...is not the word I would say." As Caiden stared at me, I chose that moment and walked by her side. She relaxed by degrees the closer I was.

"You seem to possess quite the skills for being merciless, Caiden, Elena." Caiden visibly winced. Mother Miranda's attention turned from the head to Moreau. "And why is he still alive?" The head was used as a pointer toward Moreau. "Were you three not in the mood to kill him?" My eyes glanced at Moreau. A mixture of despair and sadness bled onto his face.

"We didn't know what you wanted done with him," I admitted while Caiden stood speechless. Mother Miranda walked over to him. The man knelt before her with his head down low. She stared down at him. After a long moment, her head slightly turned back to us.

"If anyone asks ladies, I was merciful. I gave him a chance." A venom I was all too familiar with Alcina using to staff at the castle laced the words. Caiden opened her mouth to speak but was cut off short. Roots jutted up from the ground and ripped through the man. A gasp of shock escaped my lips as the roots rammed throughout him. My hands immediately clung onto Caiden to steady myself from the rush of shock. Blood poured down his new wounds. Mother Miranda's free hand clawed against Moreau's face as a snarl escaped her. She ripped her fingers free from his skin and left grueling marks behind. The dead body turned into mold moments later and disintegrated into a pile on the floor. Caiden and I stared on speechless. When she turned to us, my gripped instinctively tightened on my sister. Her smile turned sugary sweet as she flashed her white teeth. "Ladies, please, don't fret. I would never kill someone who has been so loyal to me. You are all safe in my presence."

"Good to know," I murmured as my grip remained on Caiden.

"Now, my young daughters, come! We must head back to my lab. We have some tests to run." We were engulfed in wings moments later and obscured my vision. An arm wrapped around my waist as we were transported through the elastic black and gold portal again.

When we got to her lab, every memory of ever being experimented on rammed into me like a freight train. I stippled the heart that wanted to beat out of my chest. My hand fell onto the note that Alcina left for me in my back pocket. All I wanted was to go back home to her. My eyes trailed to Caiden. It seems her own nightmares were lined out in front of her by the way she stared at all of the equipment. Mother Miranda let go of us and left us there as she went to her own work. The head thudded as it was placed on a scale. My arms unconsciously crossed over my chest, and I held myself close. I walked myself over to Caiden and stood directly at her side. She was motionless. Her warm eyes dulled down as her hands clenched in and out of fists. I bumped my hip against hers and that sparked life back into her. She stared at me wide eyed, and I gave her a comforting smile.

Head Maiden of Castle DimitrescuWhere stories live. Discover now