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Alcina threw me onto the bed and locked the door the moment we entered the room. Her body fell on top of mine with a hunger that rivalled a ravenous wolf. Her lips immediately clamped down on my neck.

"D-Don't get blood on the clothes! They aren't mine!" Alcina hummed. Moments later, the shirt was ripped off of me and thrown aside. The pants went along with them. Golden eyes trailed over my body as she reached behind her own dress and slowly unzipped it. It was thrown aside a moment later. My cheeks burned as I stared at the beautiful body that straddled me. "God, I've missed your body." Alcina chuckled darkly as she slowly bent down and leaned against mine. Fire came from her touch as her hands roamed up and down the sides of my body.

"A-Alcina," I moaned.

"Hm?" Her tongue trailed up my chest and around my collarbone.

"Please, drink me," I whined. Her chuckle deepened as her lips pressed light kisses on my neck. A shaky breath escaped her.

"Darling, I'm sorry if you pass out from this."

"I don't care."

"You miss me that much?"

"You're all I think about." Her teeth grazed against my skin, and I gasped. My body lit up more than the sun possibly could.

"Your heart is racing," Alcina moaned. "You're on fire." I felt her smile against my neck. She nipped playfully at my pulse point. My hands ran up to her hair and gripped tightly down on it. Her fangs nipped enough to break the skin. Her tongue slipped in the tear of skin and widened it more. Tears pricked from the slight pain, but it also brought pleasure with it. I gripped tighter against her midnight strands. "I love you." Her fangs plunged deep into my neck. I screamed in pleasure as I held on as tight as I could.

"I love you so much!" I grunted as she drank from me. I panted hard as I felt the blood drain from me. Her hands gripped tight on my hips as she drank. I moaned as I clawed into her shoulders. Black blotched at the corners of my eyes, but I held on. It felt too good. My heart beat through my head. The world spun as she let go. I fell against the bed and immediately healed myself. Blood dripped down her lips and chin. A loving smile glowed on her face.

"Did I take too much?" Her voice was soft and caring. I shook my head.

"I didn't pass out. I'm good," I replied breathless.


"Please don't stop." I got up slowly and brought her lips to mine. My drunken lust won. Her body fell against mine as I played with melon sized breasts. She moaned against my mouth before I trailed my kisses down her neck. Her head hung against my shoulder as her arms hooked around me and brought me on top of her.

"So beautiful." Alcina gripped my hips and had me straddle her head. I moaned as her tongue rubbed against my lips through the fabric of my underwear. I groaned as my head lulled back. Her fingers gently pulled the fabric aside and darted her tongue. I hummed in pleasure as my hands went to her head and held on tight to her hair. Alcina groaned as her tongue picked up the pace. Her free hand went to the wetness between her legs.

"Alcina," I gasped as her tongue picked up speed. I forced her head from between my thighs and she gasped in air. A cocky smirk cracked across my face. "Enjoying your meal?"

"Yes, and I'd like to get back to it," she panted. Flushed cheeks caused me to blush. Her hair was skewed. Her eyes glowed brighter as they stared at me. I bit my lower lip as I pulled myself off of her. "What's wrong?" Her upper body shot up. I gave her a kiss and tasted myself on her lips. "Elena?" She mumbled against me.

"I want to..." My eyes trailed down her body. "Can I please you first tonight?"

"I...I mean..." Her turned three shades redder as she nodded. I chuckled as I gently pressed against her chest. She laid down on her back and I pecked her lips. My lips trailed kisses down her body. I stopped around her chest and smirked. I tweaked at a hard nipple as my teeth grazed against the skin. Alcina shivered as I bit against the pale skin. Blood pooled underneath as I let go and continued to nip at the skin. I continued leaving small bites against her skin an 'E' was prominently marked on each of her breasts under the nipple. I smiled wolfishly at my work and continued down. I left small marks against her slim frame as I went down. Alcina moaned in pleasure as I dropped down to her thighs.

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