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 Once Caiden regained color in her face, and Lady Donna downed her fourth glass of wine, they decided to take their leave. Even with Alcina's insistence, Lady Donna wanted to go home. Angie was passed out in her hand as she hung off of Caiden. The woman only smiled and waved as she left. We waved back as the door closed.

"I hope she'll be okay," I mumbled quietly.

"She'll be fine. I think the Duke is outside. He'll take them back, I'm sure."

"You think so?"

"I know so." I slowly nodded. "Would you like to retire for the evening as well?" My shoulders slowly sagged as I nodded. The two of us silently walked back toward our room. When we made it down the hallway, something pricked at my ears. It was a small giggle. I slightly turned back toward a door. It was a small wine room that everyone used in case they needed a midnight snack. "Elena?" Alcina asked as she turned to me.

"I'm going to grab us some wine," I said as I motioned toward the room.

"Alright," she said quietly as she continued down toward the bedroom. I walked over to small door and opened it. My head peaked in. What I saw did not necessarily surprise me, but caught me off guard. Cassandra had Freida by the throat and licked at the gashes made into the ripped dress. Freida smiled, even laughed, as her eyes remained closed. I gently knocked on the door. Cassandra immediately pushed away while Freida stared at me wild eyed. Cassandra looked panicked as she cursed to herself.

"I'm only here for wine," I said as I slipped into the room and grabbed a regular bottle. "However, I recommend going to your own room."

"You mean your not mad?" Cassandra asked in a small voice.

"Why would I?" I asked with a shrug. "I see no reason. And if your mother disapproves, tell her I called her a hypocrite." Cassandra chuckled in response alongside Freida. "Relax, you two are fine. Just go to your room. You don't the whole castle catching you." The two nodded as I cracked open the door. "Just wait a moment though. Your mother is waiting for me with the wine." I grabbed two glasses and left the room. When I looked down the hallway, Alcina waited for me at the door. Her brow was raised in question as I held up the bottle and glasses.

"There was one right at the door!" I said happily as I walked down the aisle.

"What kind?"

"The blackberry merlot I think," I said as I looked at the bottle label. "Yeah, the test blend!" Alcina chuckled at my enthusiasm as we walked into her room.

"Has today really been so bad that you are craving a drink?" Alcina asked as she shut the door behind us.

"Yes." I deadpanned.

"Alright," she said as she took the bottle from me and uncorked it with her claws. She poured the dark liquid into the glasses and set the bottle aside. Her and I took filled glasses to the bed and climbed in. I sipped on the sweet, dryness of the drink and purred in satisfaction.

"This is delicious," I admitted as I curled into her.

"I agree." I drank a bit more and set it aside.

"I'm ready for bed."

"Oh? Am I not allowed a drink this evening? Are you really that upset with me?" A sly grin flipped up on my lips.

"Yes." Alcina's golden eyes went up to the ceiling as I laid down on the bed.

"Elena, please don't be too upset," Alcina whined. "I'll starve."

"Starve then." Alcina chuckled as I felt her body shift against me. Her hand gently cupped my chin and turned me up to her. Her lips pressed against mine. Her tongue broke into my mouth and a liquid followed in behind. Blackberry merlot trickled down my chin as I drank it. When she released me, I gasped. Her lips pressed against my neck as her body laid against mine. Her teeth grazed against my neck. I moaned slightly as my hands gently pushed against her.

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