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A soft hand caressed my cheek. Everything in my body pulsated and screamed as I came back into consciousness. My eyelids were too heavy at first. Some parts of my mind tried to sweep me back into a dreamless sleep. However, a low hum of a song trickled into my ears. The voice lit a fire deep inside of me. I knew it. My ears strained to hear as the hum died down. The pressed left my cheek and sat gently against my forehead. A featherlike touch petted through my forehead. My eyelids felt lighter as I fought against the lull of sleep. They fluttered open a moment later. My eyes were graced with the view of a goddess disguised as a vampire. Her tall frame leaned forward as her eyes focused on something on the floor. Her hand absentmindedly intertwined with my midnight hair and scratched gently at my scalp.

"Alcina." A scratchy voice croaked out of my lips. The taller woman shifted beside me as startled eyes glowed and turned to me. "You look too deep in thought," I whispered. My neck was too dry to make much sound so the whisper would have to do.

"Elena." Relief was all I heard in her voice as she smiled. "Thank Mother Miranda you are finally awake." I smiled weakly at her.

"Do you have any water?" A tea cup and pitcher sat next on a nightstand next to the bed. She reached over and poured me a drink. As I tried to sit up, pain shot through me like knife blades. I grunted as I fell back against the bed. The whimper that escaped my lips was no different than an orphaned pup. I clutched at my side as I breathed in heavily. The pain pulsated like a fresh wound. Alcina stared down at me. Her eyes were lost as her hands hovered above me unsure of what to do or how to help. "H-Help me up." I gritted my teeth as her hands slowly fell along my shoulders and back and forced me up gently. I leaned against the headboard as my jaw clenched and took in a few deep breaths. "And I thought the girls were bad with the sickles." A dark chuckle rumbled from Alcina as she held the tea cup to my lips, and I slowly drank.

"They are worried sick about you," she said as she pulled the emptied cup away.

"I'll live," I muttered after a moment. "How are Caiden and Nikolai?"

"Caiden is awake. She debriefed us on the situation and what you all found. Even though I hate it, I'm glad that you went. I don't think those two would have made it back alive without you." A smug smirk cracked on my lips as she scowled. "Oh, shut up."

"I didn't say anything."

"Your face spoke for you, you silly girl." A broken chuckle shook out of me. Even though it hurt like hell, it felt good to laugh. "Anyways, you all apparently ran into a woman named Cathleen. She was Mother Miranda's first failed experiment. And until further notice, none of us are to do anything. None of you all are going out to fight anytime soon either. None of you are in good shape." I slowly nodded.

"True." Alcina took in a steady breath.

"Knowing that you are awake is so helpful right now. When Donna called me saying you passed out in her manor, I ran over here as fast as I possibly could." Concern broke through the relief. "You have no idea how worried I was about you. How can I sleep knowing you are out parading in the reservoirs? Honestly, Elena, PLEASE never do this again!"

"No promises," I croaked. A sly smile crooked at the edges of her lips.

"I'm locking you in the basement."

"Please don't joke about that." A dark giggle was her only response. Moments later, there was a knock at our door. Our attention turned as it cracked open slightly and Lady Donna's masked head poked into the room. Her eye settled on the two of us as she silently shuffled in.

"Alcina," she mumbled. "Can you please stay?"

"Stay?" Alcina's brow quirked upward as Lady Donna walked further into the room. She fumbled with her hands slightly as her anxieties showed across her posture. Her head hung slightly lower as she nodded.

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