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A satisfied hum fell from my lips as I stared down at the rubies Elena gave me a few moons ago. My fingers trailed around the gemstones with no particular interest. They were great paperweights when I worked. I know my darling always loved knowing I used them and kept them. A knock on the door to my study piqued my interest. "Come in," I said softly.

"Mother!" Daniela walked in with a content smile on her face. "Mother Miranda is on the phone."

"Oh? And what does she want?"

"I don't know. She wants to speak to you." A small sigh escaped my lips as I set the gems aside and on some paperwork that needed tending to later. I pushed myself off of my chair and crouched through the door. An excited swarm of flies fluttered around me. The ghost of her laughter filled my ears and I smiled. I loved seeing my daughters happy. It brightened my day just as much as Elena's smile did. We walked over to the library and inside to find Bela chatting Mother Miranda's ear off on the receiver. I waved toward my eldest and her eyes dimmed slightly. A frown etched across her face as she mumbled her goodbye and handed the phone to me.

"You can have it back soon," I stated as she trailed past me. I was given no response before I put the phone to my ear. "Mother Miranda?" I asked.

"Hello, Alcina! How are you today? I heard about your recent success with the wine business. I wanted to give my congratulations." A smile spread across my face as I sat on the stand beside the phone.

"Yes, it was a great suggestion by Elena. I'm very pleased to have gained a wider audience with refined tastes."

"How are you and Elena doing? Well, I hope?"

"Very. She is such a light in the girls' lives."

"Oh? Only the girls?" I hummed.

"Well, the staff likes her too."

"Alcina, I think you know what I meant." The playfulness in her tone caught me off guard. Her motherly charm was something to be wary of at the best of times. There was always some hidden intent, no matter the circumstance.

"I...well," my cheeks turned four shades darker at the thought of Elena. "I must admit that she does mean a lot to me."

"Alcina." The motherly tone made me cringe slightly. The last time I heard that, Mother Miranda was explaining to me why Elena passed out at the Beneviento manor. "I would prefer your honesty. She's your girlfriend, isn't she?"

"How did you-,"

"She told me," Mother Miranda cut off. "While she was at the cabin helping with Eva." I nodded into the phone.

"Of course."

"She's very proud of her relationship. I would hope you would be just as much."

"I am!"

"Then why didn't you ever tell me?"

"I...I didn't know how," I admitted in a mumble. "I didn't know how you would react."

"I approve of her. Not only that, but it is also not like you two are exactly...quiet about how you two feel for each other. You both are very openly affectionate."

"You aren't wrong."

"I wish you would trust me more to tell me." I only hummed in agreement. "Well, anyways, I just wanted to let you know I was proud of your recent accomplishment. That was all."

"Actually, Mother Miranda," I said before she had a chance to hang up the phone.


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