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"Elena!" My ears perked up at the sound of Freida's voice. I glanced over my shoulder and saw the woman as she jogged up to me. A fresh scar started at the base of her neck and ran past where the maiden outfit covered. I pointed toward the base of my own neck with brows furrowed. She hummed, felt the faint scar, then waved me off. "Oh, we were trying knife play last night." I slowly nodded in response. A gulp came after. I hoped Alcina did not get any ideas.

"What do you need?" I asked instead.

"Have you seen Cassandra? Another maiden asked me to find her. Apparently she needed me."

"I...wouldn't know about that, Freida. I'm sorry. I've been busy making sure everything is set for when the family comes over later for dinner."

"Oh well," she said with a sigh.

"How have you two been?" Her usual grin turned into a fond smile.


"I'm glad."

"How about you and Lady Dimitrescu?"

"It's been so nice, Freida. You have no idea. We have been enjoying so much time together. We're practically joined at the hip. I love it!" Freida chuckled at my enthusiasm.

"I'm happy for you!"

"Oh, you may want to find Cassandra before everyone shows up. She'll only be focused on her new baby cousin."

"And Alcina with her niece."

"I don't know about that. For some reason, she's been talking about speaking to Heisenburg this week."

"Don't they hate each other?"

"I don't know." The two of us shrugged at each other and parted ways. I found Alcina closer to the kitchen. She busied herself by monitoring maidens as they ran through. The room was so tense that someone could have cut it with a dull night. I tapped at her side. She jumped slightly in her heels before she stared down at me. "Hey beautiful. Having fun over here?" A tired sigh fell alongside her shoulders.

"I have so much to talk to Heisenburg about." My brow quirked as I guided her out of the kitchen. We both heard the collective sigh of the staff as she exited.

"Oh? And are you finally going to tell me about this little project that you and Heisenburg are doing?" A headshake was my only reply. "And why is that?"

"It's a surprise, darling."

"But you seem really tense about it honey." My hand trailed her shoulder and gently rubbed away some of the tension. "I know you don't want to tell me, but I could help." Alcina slowly shook her head.

"You are my heartbeat, but not right now. You'll know soon." Her hand fell into my hair and played with a few strands. A huff escaped me of annoyance. A frown tugged on the vampire's lips. "I'm sorry. Just put up with it for a little bit longer. My anxiety will leave with the evening. I'm sure of it." I slowly nodded to her. My lips thinned into a line of irritation as I heard hurried footsteps to the front door. My eyes trailed to a few maidens at the door. "Seems our guests have arrived. Would you greet them for me? I have to grab something from my study."

"Alright." The disappointment in my voice was evidently heard by the way she paused before she left. A grimace flashed across my face as I trailed to the door. What was so important that she could not talk to me about? Was this another showing emotion problem again? As I walked to the door, my eyes gleamed at the sight of Nikolai. Finally! Someone to complain to!

"Nikolai!" I chimed as I sped up to him. Lord Heisenburg with his oversized hammer walked in behind him. "Good evening, Lord Heisenburg."

"Heisenburg is just fine," he said with a smile. "You're Alcina's lover aren't you? How can you still use honorifics with family? Caiden stopped even before her and Donna were a thing." The laugh he gave was loud and obnoxious. I cringed internally from the loudness. "You have every right to call me Heisenburg." A small smile crossed my face.

Head Maiden of Castle DimitrescuWhere stories live. Discover now