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When we got back to the castle, her arms stayed around me. The maidens confirmed that the girls were asleep when we entered the door. Alcina sighed heavily as her arms tightened around me slightly. The door shut behind us as the maidens left us to our own devices. I fell against her. When I looked up at her, her smile was slightly worrying. I bit my lower lip as my smile turned happier.

"Can we just forget for tonight?" I asked quietly. Her head tilted to the side as she stared at me.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean," I said as I slowly pulled away. "There is something on your mind. I can see it in your eyes. However, I really don't want to worry about another thing tonight, my love. All I want to do tonight is beg for you." My hands intertwined in hers as I stared up into her eyes. "Alcina, I don't want to remember the past few weeks or what is about to happen next. I just want to focus on you and me, and me begging for more of you in your bed."

"Our bed," Alcina corrected. My brow quirked as her smile broadened. "It's our bed, love."

"Then I want to go to our bed and make me scream." Wickedness shined through the grin that Alcina gave. Her grip around my hands tightened.

"I want to try something a bit different tonight if you are feeling energetic tonight." A dark chuckle escaped my lips as I nodded. Alcina let go of my hands and slipped her arms around me. I was picked up into strong arms moments later. I chuckled as I was carried throughout the castle and up to our room. Her lips trailed across my neck as she crouched us into her room. Arousal escaped my lips as her teeth grazed my neck. I was in my own little slice of heaven until I suddenly dropped from her arms. She tossed me onto the bed like I weighed nothing. I plopped down like a lost pup. My eyes trailed up to Alcina as I grunted in annoyance. Her lips curled upward as an excited giggled filtered through my ears. She crawled onto the bed and claws extracted from her hand. I gulped as it slipped under the dress gently touched between my chest.

"Don't move," she whispered huskily. Her wrist flicked and the dress ripped completely in half and laid beneath me. I gulped as the claws retracted. Her hand grasped the fabric of my dress and I let her have. Her body towered over me as a free hand pushed me down onto the bed. She straddled my hips and ripped the dress apart above me.

"W-What are you-,"

"Trust me, my love." A playful smile teased her lips as I relaxed underneath her. "Hands above head." The command in her voice caused me to shiver. I did as I was told. My wrists were tied together moments later and up to the bedpost. I gulped as the next one went across my eyes. Her breath trailed my skin as her lips nibbled on my ear. I could not see a thing through the dress and my body squirmed underneath her. I gently tugged at the restraints on my wrist. My breath turned shallow as I heard her devious chuckle against my ear. "Your heart is racing," she whispered against my ear. A small grunt escaped my throat. "Just enjoy the feeling. You said you wanted to forget. I have a fun toy that will help us both forget the world for a moment." Her hands fell onto my hips and kept my legs from wrapping around her. I whimpered in protest as she wriggled her way down my body. Each leg was tied so that I was spread as wide as my legs allowed me. I pulled against the restraints as I heard the low chuckle. I felt as she left the bed.

"W-Where are you going?" I asked as I heard a door open.

"I'm just at the closet," she cooed softly. My heart begged to escape my chest as I waited impatiently. There was not much else I could do. I could tell that she took her heels off because her footsteps turned lighter. I heard the sounds of her changing. My lower lip became captive between my teeth as I heard unfamiliar shuffling. There was something thrilling about not knowing anything about my environment. Well, as long as she was here. The bed dipped around my feet and the knots in my stomach relaxed slightly.

Head Maiden of Castle DimitrescuWhere stories live. Discover now