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The basement was a place to be feared and rightfully so. I was thrown into a rusted cage inside of the dungeon by Lady Dimitrescu herself. She snarled at me as she locked me in by a golden master key and walked away without a second thought. My mind barely processed the situation around me. The drainage tools hung from the ceiling. The basement was barely lit by torches that flickered outside. I gulped as the putrid scents of death and decay filtered through my nose. Moans of the dying and dripping of blood shook me deep into my core. This area was deathly cold. I took in deep breaths as I banged against my cage. It was barely big enough if I got on all fours. I heard a door faraway being locked shut. Realization dawned on me a few moments later.

"She threw me in the basement," I whispered to myself in shock. Last night I was cuddled in bed with her and today I was in a cage in the basement. Something deep down broke inside of me. I meant that little. I chose to lay down against the blood dried, dirty ground. My head laid on my arm as I tried not to panic. My life laid in the hands of if the girls told the truth. I gulped. Now seeing what she was willing to do to me, were the girls going to turn against me too? I knew they hated disappointing their mother. The cold against my body made me shiver. This thin fabric of a dress was not meant for these temperatures. I stayed on the ground for a long while with my thoughts and the moaning pain of the maidens somewhere around me in other cages. We were no different from herded animals readied for the slaughterhouse.

"Oh my god, Elena!" The shocked voice stirred me awake. Somehow I fell asleep in this cage-like asylum. My body was too stiff from the cold. I slowly lifted my head and what I saw surprised me. Cassandra and Freida held torches as they knelt to my cage. Cassandra held the master key in her hand. She shoved it into the lock and unlocked the cage. She pulled me out moments later. My head was dizzy as Cassandra held onto me and gave Freida her torch.

"How long was I in there?" I asked as she helped me to my feet.

"A few hours. Freida was trying to tell me, but I was the idiot that wouldn't listen. How did you end up down here?" A mirthless chuckle escaped my lips.

"Needless to say, your mother did not believe me."

"What!?" Cassandra held me by my shoulders. "How could she not believe you!?"

"She wanted to hear it from you three. To her, I was lying." Cassandra groaned as she pulled me into a hug.

"Elena, we're all so sorry!" I gently patted her back. She turned to Freida and motioned her to guide us out. My body ached slightly at the sudden movement, but she got us out of the dungeon and to somewhere warmer. The scents of decay was replaced with sweet fresh air. I sighed in relief as Cassandra shut the door behind us. "Daniela! Bela!" She shouted out. Two sets of worried eyes popped from a nearby corridor.

"Elena!" They said worriedly.

"How did it go?" Daniela asked.

"Are you alright? Why were you in the basement?" My eyes fell.

"Mother threw her in there because she did not believe her!" Cassandra said dumbfounded. The girls stood there in shock. "She said she was lying and that...that we would have told her." Their faces fell as they stared at me. I shook my head as I sighed.

"I'm...I'm going to go to my room," I mumbled as I turned out of Cassandra's arm. I wobbled for a moment, but was able to walk slowly.

"We'll make sure you get there," Bela reassured. "And we will talk to mother." They followed me to my room. For some reason I was too tired to care. Whether it was from the emotional or physical drain, I could not tell anymore. All I had were my thoughts. Freida was given the task to watch over my room as I entered. Freida took a seat right next to the door. I fell into the bed. Sleep took me moments later. The cold from the basement still clung to my body as the chilling screams from downstairs filtered through my head.

Head Maiden of Castle DimitrescuWhere stories live. Discover now