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A few nights had passed since Caiden's impromptu visit. Alcina and I for dinner by ourselves. A rare occurrence. The girls had drinks and food sent to Cassandra's room. Something about a huge game night ahead of them. Anything involving those nasty tasting energy drinks had me running for the hills, so when they asked I was less than willing to oblige. Not even their puppy like stares did a thing to convince me. Alcina seemed rather nervous herself. We both ate and drank, but she fidgeted in her seat every other minute. Annoyance creased my brow as I downed the rest of my wine and stood. Surprised golden eyes stared back at me.

"You're done already?" She asked.

"For the evening. Is everything alright? You seem rather...nervous."

"Nervous? No, not nervous." Her hand waved the comment off like it would a fly. I only nodded and stepped from the table. "Do you have any plans for the evening?" She asked after a few steps. I turned back to her as she stood to full height. "I thought that maybe we could go to the library and enjoy the evening together."

"You're done with work for the day?"

"Nothing that can't be pushed to tomorrow." My brow quirked up in curiosity. The smile on her face was shy.

"A book does sound nice," I admitted after a little thought. "Let's head up then." Alcina's smile widened as relief filled her features.

"Perfect!" She met me in a few strides. I slid my hand into hers. Giddiness glowed around her as golden eyes danced from me to the door. The entire way to the library was more of a jog for me compared to her excited speed walk. From an entire day of errands and random demands outside of the castle, I was exhausted by the time we reached the library's doors. Her hand stopped on the door and stared back at me. My brows furrowed as I stared up at her. "Elena?"


"I need to be honest with you." Oh, no.


"I haven't been working at all today." Shock laced my features.

"I'm not going to lie. I was expecting you to say you killed three more maidens than what I was told earlier by Freida." Alcina chuckled in response. That was never too far off. "So, then what have you been up to today?"

"Well, I...can you close your eyes?"

"My eyes?"

"I know they are the most beautiful gems in the world, but please?" I stared at her warily before I shut them. The door creaked open in my ears. A gentle grip from large hands circled my wrists and guided me in. I took hesitant steps forward. I knew where we were going, but trepidation still etched into my heart. "Elena."


"I just want you to know that everyday with you has been a fairytale that I never want to end." A smile relaxed across my face as the words filtered through my head. "And when I'm with you, I have always felt like I was walking on air. I...I wanted to do this right and create a memory that you would remember no matter how long we both decide to live for."


"Open your eyes, Elena." My eyes opened and a gasp immediately escaped me. Bright lights twinkled across the ground alongside moonstones. The white lights twinkled against the sky-blue glow of the stones. They emanated stars against water. Torches lit the library unlike the usual lights and the darkening skies glowed through the dome of the library. The couch that was usually sat to the side of the dome was placed in the center of the dome. Stacks of books were artistically placed around couch. I smiled sweetly at the scene in front of me. Alcina's eyes sparkled as they darted to the couch. "Would you like to sit down?"

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