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Alcina and I got up the stairs that led to the hallway to her room when she froze in her tracks. My brows furrowed at her shocked form. I glanced around and my eyes widened. "Put me down!" I almost shrieked as I jumped out of her arms. My legs carried me over to Freida. Part of her hand was bitten clean off. Claw marks ravaged her uniform. A dead wolf creature laid not too far from her. She stood shakily on her legs as her arms barricaded the entrance that was Cassandra's door. She was paler than a ghost. The smile was ever present on her face. It was pained and terrified, but it was there. Her eyes trailed to me as her smile softened slightly.

"H-H-Hey E-Elena," she slurred out.

"Freida! Oh my god!" I helped the girl down to a sitting position. So much blood was sprayed over the door and floor. I heard Alcina's hurried steps over to us as I took in a deep breath. "Stay still." I pressed both hands on her body and she lit up like a freshly lit fire. After a moment, the wounds were healed. I, however, gulped back the vomit as I turned dizzy. I sat back and took a minute to process my sudden sickness before my eyes refocused. Freida was healed, but her head drooped as she groaned. Alcina walked past us and toward her own door. A woman laid dead in front of it. When my eyes focused, I knew the woman she held. "Mindy..." I whispered.

"Her and I...ran after that damned thing," Freida chuckled as her head slightly motioned to the wolf. "I-It got her first...and...I...wore it out. I-I'm sorry...I couldn't save her."

"Freida, you have nothing to be sorry over."

"I-It was trying to get into her room..." Freida said as a shaky hand tapped against Cassandra's door. "I...I...I was not letting it in there."

"I'm sure Cassandra would not have cared if it meant keeping you safe!" I countered as I held Freida gently in my grip. My fingers went to her pulse. It was racing, and her forehead was cold. I glanced up.

"Y-You donnn...understand..." she slurred softly as her head rested against me.

"Alcina, help me carry her to the infirmary!" I called toward the vampire that silently laid Mindy back down as if she were a baby. Her dress had splotches of blood on it as she stood. As she trailed over to me, I heard a terrified gasp behind me.

"What happened!?" The voice caused me to stiffen. Oh no, no, no. A swarm of flies took over my view and Cassandra appeared in front of us. Terror replaced her expression as she gasped louder. "Freida!" She ripped the maiden from my grip and held her head in her arms. "Freida!"

"Cass..." Freida groaned.

"Oh, no, no, no." Freida's grin was friendly, almost loving as she stared back up at the girl.

"I protected your crystal rocks from the wolf," she chuckled. Blood spluttered from her lips and trickled down her chin. "I...knooow....it means a lot to you."

"You idiot! I don't care about that right now!" My eyes widened as I witnessed the two. "You're hurt! You need the infirmary."

"F'you say...so," Freida coughed. Cassandra stared up at me with tears in her eyes.

"Elena, help her!" She sobbed. My mouth slightly gaped as I turned up to Alcina. The woman knelt to her daughter and gently took the maiden from her.

"We will see what the doctor on hand can do, darling," she cooed softly as she walked away with Freida. The woman fell limp in Alcina's grip. Tears welled up in my eyes as I took in a shaky breath and stood. Cassandra stared off to the blood around us traumatized.

"E-Elena," Cassandra said through gritted teeth.

"Cassandra?" I asked.

"S-She needs to be okay," Cassandra gulped. "She NEEDS to be okay." Tears streamed down her bright eyes as they stared up at me like a lost child. "Please tell me that she is going to be okay! Please!" Her arms wrapped around my legs as she sobbed. "E-E-Elena please tell me." Her hands clutched desperately onto me. My hands fell down on her head and gently entangled my fingers in her hair.

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