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Alcina and I sat down to an afternoon cup of tea in her study. It was a rare occurrence when she was in the mood for tea. It was even rarer that we sat and did anything in her study. She usually hated distractions from her work, and I was apparently a huge distraction for obvious reasons. As I sipped on the tea, Alcina glared down at the paper work on her desk. A frown tugged on the sides of my lips as I stared at her. Seeing the irritation on her face was common when she stared at maidens but not when she stared at her work.

"A lei for your thoughts?" I asked into my cup.

"Hm?" Glowing eyes stared up at me as the question processed through her mind. "Oh, it's just a demand for something new. Something exciting and different. Apparently wine is not enough for a wine business anymore." A small chuckle escaped my lips as hers pursed, and attention went back to the paper. "They want to start adding different flavors and I have no idea what even remotely sounds right. I guess I am too old fashioned when it comes to wine. Grapes or blood really satisfies me best."

"Well, what are your options?"

"Blackberries, cherries, strawberries, some even want a yeast blend and create more of an ale. The Dimitrescu wine is worth thousands for the regular blends. They want something new, cheaper for a younger audience to want."

"Are you creating a separate brand for it?" I asked.

"More than likely," she commented with a bored expression. "I do not think it is really something I want to spearhead though. My cousins want nothing to do with it and I'm the last option." A hum hung in the air as she set the papers aside and rubbed at her temples. "I do not need this stress now."

"Well," I said quietly. "I love blackberry wine. I think it would be a good idea to have a side company. Yeah, it may be a risk, but everyone loves cheap wine at a good price." A smirk crossed Alcina's lips as her brow raised up in interest.


"Well, that's my opinion. Also knowing that it is an extension of your original brand, I think it will up the popularity of it. I may not really know much about business, but I think it could work!" Alcina slowly nodded as her attention focused more on me. Her eyes pinned me down as her mind went elsewhere and thought in silence. I awkwardly sipped on my tea as her eyes glowed in excitement.

"I guess I could give it a go," she said after some thought.


"Well, if you like blackberry wine, I guess then it is worth making. I'll call my investors Monday and we will start the process for creating and testing it." An excited squeal escaped my lips as hers pursed. "Honestly if I knew blackberry wine was all it took to excite you, I would have gotten you an entire wine cellar by now."

"It's a rare treat that I enjoyed on the farm. It wasn't that strong, so we were allowed quite a good bit of it when we had it." Alcina chuckled in reply as she shook her head. Mirth traced her smile as eyes glowed at me. I continued to sip on my tea. A knock on the door broke the happiness of our moment. An irritated scowl replaced the humor in her expression.

"Come in," Alcina said in a quiet, proper manor. Daniela walked in and Alcina's scowl bled into a maternal smile. "Daniela! You didn't have to knock."

"Knowing that Elena was here too, yes I did," the girl deadpanned. I stifled back my chuckle as Alcina's cheeks burned bright. Amusement laced my smile as I turned in my seat. Daniela seemed pleased with the reaction before it turned to me. "Mother Miranda is on the phone for you, Elena."

"Elena?" Alcina asked in shock. My own expression joined hers.

"Me?" I asked. Daniela nodded.

Head Maiden of Castle DimitrescuWhere stories live. Discover now