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"Well, Caiden and Donna's wedding was absolutely beautiful!" I swooned as we trailed into our room for the night. Everything about the wedding was so beautiful. I crashed into our bed and sighed dramatically. Alcina shut the door as she crouched through and went straight to her make up desk. She opened a black leather journal and tapped her pen against the pages to jot down some quick notes of the ceremony. Her hum was beautiful to listen to. She tilted her head to the side as she finished and snapped the book shut. When she turned to me, there was a glint of satisfaction in her eye.

"I agree, the wedding was beautiful. I loved how Donna laced the flowers across her cadou. It made her look like she was part garden fairy." I giggled.

"I hope to do something like that if I ever get married someday," I said with a wishful sigh.

"What do you mean if?" I heard the tone that Alcina gave when she was taken aback. My eyes trailed over to her as she walked up to the bed. She towered over me. Both hands went on either side of my head. Golden globes pointed down at me and stared right through my soul. "Don't you mean when?"

"I was wondering if we were ever going to have this conversation." I slowly pushed myself up into a sitting position. "I didn't know if you really ever wanted to get a marriage license."

"Well, why wouldn't I?" Her laugh of nervous disbelief was adorable.

"Oh, I don't know. You are such a traditionalist at times. I never know what you're thinking." A smirk cracked across her lips as she sat up.

"I've always wanted to have a wedding ceremony," she admitted quietly.

"What kind?"

"Oh, something small. Not with the family involved. Just...private. There is this meadow deeper in the valleys that I used to love visiting with Donna when she was younger and wanted to pick flowers. It's not a far walk. I have always wanted to give my vows there and enjoy a small ceremony."


"It would take time to make all the arrangements that I would want, but...I'd love to have my wedding someday there." A small smile cracked across my face as I leaned in to her side.

"But would you like to get married to me?" I teased with a grin.

"No, actually, I want to get married to Heisenburg." I scoffed as my hand reacted for me. It swat at her arm as I laid back down in bed and huffed. A low chuckle escaped her as she laid down beside me. "Oh, you know I'm teasing. You are the only one I could see in my life." Her arm slithered around my waist and pulled me into her chest. My head pressed against the pillows attached to her chest. "I could see you in a red wedding dress and smiling at a tiny altar."

"Why red?"

"Darling, I love you, but neither of us would be able to wear white with serious faces." A chuckle vibrated out of me as she tightened her grip around me.

"Fair, fair," I giggled as I turned to vibrant golden orbs.

"Is there anything that you would want?" She inquired quietly. A small hum played on my lips as eyes went downward in thought.

"I think," I admitted as I glanced back up at her. "I guess I just...before I get married, I wanted my family's blessing. It was something that was always beaten into my head when I was little, so I'm assuming that's why. It's not a requirement. Not in the slightest. I will marry you the moment you ask, but I guess...it hurts not having my family at least aware of it all." A frown cracked across her face as I laid my cheek against her chest. "Sometimes I wonder where they went after I was sold off. I guess it's just...something that was on my mind."

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