It's New Year's Eve and I'm spending it with these whores that the boys had described.
Three days after I had gotten home, a loud banging came from the other side of house entrance. On instinct, I looked through the shades to see who was out there and to make sure it wasn't a murderer... as if a murderer would knock on the door before killing me... Anyway, three girls dressed as sluts stood on my front porch.
"Oh my god! Izzy, you're back!" One of them squealed while pushing their way through the door.
"Babe, we missed you lots." Another spoke as a greeting and made her way through the doorway.
"Nice to see you again." A girl said after blowing a bubble with her gum.
"Hey... guys." I spoke awkwardly because I had no idea what their names were. "So... I've been away for so long, I feel like I've forgotten your names." I forced out a laugh trying to make my joke seem more realistic. "Refresh my memory?"
"Haha. You are always making jokes." One with dark brown hair and black highlights spoke up.
"Shut up, Lucy." I was finally able to put a name to face which made me sigh with relief. "So how was tour?!" She squealed again. I began to find the sound extremely annoying as she constantly did it throughout my story-telling. I had basically repeated everything the guys had told me.
They bugged me about certain things that I didn't even know the answer to.
"How big was Michael's dick? It was probably small. Did you see his fingers? They were tiny!" Sam pointed out. Thankfully, I had put a name to every face by the time they were close to leaving.
"How do you know his fingers are small? Didn't you meet them months ago?"
"We did some googling." Sasha responded with a smirk and a flip of her hair.
"That's great, guys! But I have some catching up to do so let's hang out another time, okay?" I practically pushed them out of the door, hoping to get them out of the house before any plans could be made but sadly, Sam pushed her foot in between the door and wall.
"We need to re-enroll you in school! It's senior year!" Fuck. I had totally forgotten about school. The boys had mentioned that I had some tutoring on tour so I must've passed junior year... I think.
"We'll talk more about it next time I see you!" I replied as I tried to subtly move her foot out of the door frame.
"One last thing, we're having a New Year's party so here's my address in case you forgot." She grabbed a sharpie out of her bag and wrote her address down on my forearm. "Dress slutty, okay? There'll be a ton of hot guys!" She squealed one last time making me even more frustrated by the fact that she hadn't left yet. "Bye, Izzy!" She removed her foot and I instantly slammed the door closed behind her. What a piece of work.
End of flashback
"C'mon, Izzy! Have some fun! Shake that thang!" Sam said as she bumped her hip with mine. Did she really just say that? She encouraged me to dance for about two minutes until she gave up. She probably realized that there was no way she could get me to grind on a dance floor. After she left, I stood by myself near the make-shift bar that had a variety of alcoholic beverages. It was a typical party. Alcohol, red Solo cups scattered around the house, the stench of weed coming from the backyard, couples making out on the couch while people yelled at them to "get a room" and one night stands that took place in the extra bedrooms upstairs. I was pulled out of my thoughts when someone bumped into me and of course, with my luck, spilled their drink on me. For a second, I hoped that it was some sort of clear liquor but once again, luck was not on my side. The liquid turned out to be a dark red resembling blood.

Groupie? // 5SOS
Fanfiction"If you don't let me explain, I swear to god I'm walking out that door with my stuff by late morning." She threatened. "I don't care. You've hurt me enough. I couldn't care less if you left. In fact, you'd be doing me a favor." I said carelessly. Te...