"Okay, Michael... Do you think you can help me with this," I waved my hands towards Lucy, "Since this is your fault?"
"Uh... Do I have a choice?"
"Not really." Sam informed him with a sarcastic smile.
Michael finally walked out of the doorframe and headed towards Lucy. He nodded his head at me and Sam before picking Lucy up and throwing her over his shoulder.
"What now?" He said with no enthusiasm whatsoever.
"Well..." I said
"Well..." he replied.
"Well..." I awkwardly scratched the back of my head, "Do you have any place she could rest for awhile?" He hesitated but Sam spoke before he could respond.
"She might have a concussion... Then we'd be forced to sue you." She knew this would leave him with no choice. Sasha gave a smug grin as Michael headed towards the door with Lucy over his shoulder and he beckoned us to follow.
We started walking through corridor after corridor. I would never remember the way out or the way in. How does he know his way around?! We finally reached a room that read "STYLIST" on the outside.
He pushed the door open, careful not to let Lucy fall off his shoulder. When we entered the room, he placed Lucy on a couch and Sam and I sat on green and yellow beanbags.
"Why are there beanbags in the stylist room?" I laughed a little.
Smiling, he said, "Well, we're childish so we prefer beanbags to leather couches..." Sasha looked at him like he was crazy. "Problem?"
"My only problem is that you haven't fucked me yet, baby." She didn't even know him and she was going after him. Typical.
"No, thanks." He used his pointer finger to push her away from him. Sasha glared at him and walked away, flipping her hair dramatically.
Lucy started moving around on the couch and all of us stared at her until she opened her eyes.
"Hi, Lucy." Sam was the first one to make conversation.
"Hi...Where are we? How did I get here? Who is he? Can I have some painkillers, please?" Her voice sounded strained but she bombarded us with questions anyway.
"A lot of questions... Some we don't even have the answer to. Michael, right?" He nodded in confirmation. "Michael brought you here after he slammed the door in your face..." I told her as she looked at me with a puzzled expression. Michael looked over at me and winked.
"It was no problem, really. Anytime." He said while staring at me. Do I have something on my face or...? I subconsciously ran my hand over my skin to rid of anything that might be there.
"So, where are we and who is he besides the fact that his name is Michael?"
"Well, you're backstage in the stylist's room at my concert because I had nowhere else to bring you.
Wait. It's his concert? Then he must be in-
"Oh! I forgot to answer your other question. I'm Michael from 5 Seconds of Summer."
All of our jaws dropped. We looked at each other. Even Sasha put down her phone and stopped taking selfies because she was so shocked. We had made it backstage.
"Oh... So where are the others?" Lucy asked trying to stand up but failing miserably. She fell right back down on the couch, looking pale.
"You might want to stay seated. You could have a concussion or something. The other guys are in the dressing room probably playing FIFA."
"So when do you go on stage?" Sam asked.
"In a few minutes. Do you want me to show you guys around while she rests?"
"Absolutely..." Sam said in what she calls her 'sexy voice'. "Sasha. Stay here with Lucy? Thanks, babe." Sasha gave a look of defeat and sat next to Lucy and took selfies of the both of them. She has an undiagnosed selfie obsession... but then again, so does half the planet.
Michael began leading us around and showing us the different rooms throughout the gray halls.
"So what's your favourite song of ours?"

Groupie? // 5SOS
Fanfiction"If you don't let me explain, I swear to god I'm walking out that door with my stuff by late morning." She threatened. "I don't care. You've hurt me enough. I couldn't care less if you left. In fact, you'd be doing me a favor." I said carelessly. Te...