"Funplex? Really, Mike?"
"Yes, Ashton. It's impossible to be unhappy in Funplex. It brings out your inner-child."
"Are we just going to stand here in a dark parking lot or go in?" Izzy stood before a bright building with bright signs that lit up the darkness around her.
"Let's go!" Michael yelled as he grabbed Izzy's hand and tugged her through the entrance. Ashton ran to catch up to them.
"Three passes, please." A lady in a red and blue uniform placed sticky paper bracelets on our wrists, confirming that we had paid to get in.
"What first?"
"Shut up, Ashton. Look!" Michael pointed over to a bright sign that read:
Go Carting!
"Yes! Go, go, go!" Izzy wasn't getting much of a say as to what they were doing so she followed them.
"Anyone younger than eighteen must ride with an adult." Michael and Ashton glanced down at Izzy.
"She can go with me." Ashton volunteered.
"It's okay. She can come with me." Michael offered.
"Nah. I got her." Ashton responded.
"No, you don't. I can take her." It was easy to tell that this conversation wasn't going anywhere pleasant so Izzy stepped in.
"Shut up!" Both boys looked over to see that she had already walked up to the man who was wheeling up the carts. "I'm only seventeen. But is there anyway I could go by myself?"
"I can make that happen if I can get your number..." Michael and Ashton walked over to stop the nonsense.
"It's okay. She'll ride with one of us." The man rolled his eyes and waited for them to take their seats in the go carts.
"Ashton, you can have her." Michael sighed as he hopped into a single go cart and drove up to the starting line.
"Do you want to drive or should I?"
"Ash! Let her drive!" Michael yelled from the race track. Ashton did as told and took his place in the passenger seat. The buzzer went off and the race began.
At first, Michael was beating them by a few feet but he decided to let up. Ash told Izzy how to reach maximum speed. She sped around the track at 50mph and was way ahead of Michael. She was screaming and laughing as they drove around.
'Mission: Complete.' Michael thought to himself. The round ended and they jumped out of their carts.
"That was awesome!" Izzy yelled. "Thank you!" She pulled Ashton and Michael into a group hug.
"Let's go to the ball pit, next. Yeah?" Everyone agreed and they spent the next few hours freaking out little kids and going on different rides.
Eventually a voice came over the loudspeaker at around eleven.
"Will the three huge assholes please get out of the playground?" Ashton, Izzy and Michael practically died and slid out of the playground.
"Ready to go?" Ash asked as he placed his hands on his hips feeling satisfied.
"Awww. Do we have to go?" Izzy whined with Michael.
"Yes, guys. C'mon." Ashton gestured for them to follow him as he exited the building. "We can come back some other time!"
"Yay!" Michael squealed like a little girl causing Izzy to giggle.

Groupie? // 5SOS
Fanfiction"If you don't let me explain, I swear to god I'm walking out that door with my stuff by late morning." She threatened. "I don't care. You've hurt me enough. I couldn't care less if you left. In fact, you'd be doing me a favor." I said carelessly. Te...