5SOS and One Direction did their performances at the iHeart Radio Festival. Izzy had a massive headache so she didn't watch. She had been looking forward to watching, but the loud noise was messing with her head. No matter how much she wanted to watch the concerts, she just couldn't.
"Last concert in Charlotte. Boys, let's play a fucking rocking show tonight." Ashton spoke with tons of enthusiasm. Calum giggled slightly.
"I gotta make sure I look good!" Luke defended when he noticed Calum staring at him while he fixed his hair through the camera on his iPhone.
"Are you videoing?" Ashton asked, shocked. Calum nodded. "I just swore. You can't post this anywhere."
"Fuck you, Calum!" Luke yelled while pointing at the camera. Calum stopped the video and quickly uploaded it to Keek.
"You fucking posted it, didn't you, Cal?" Ashton spoke with narrowed eyes.
"Maybe..." Cal answered innocently.
"You'll pay."
"Guys! Shut up! She's sleeping!" Michael whispered/yelled to the boys. Izzy had been laying on the couch, napping away.
"We have to find a solution to this headache thing. Should we give her Advil before each concert?" Everyone agreed to Calum's idea so Michael carefully and gently woke Izzy up.
"Hi." Izzy mumbled as she rubbed her eyes to rid of the sleep. "What's wrong?"
"We think we might've found a solution to your headache."
"Really?" Luke walked over with a glass of water and some Advil. "Did you make sure that the Advil won't mess with my other medication?"
"You've used Advil before. It's totally fine." She nodded at Luke's response and swallowed the pills. Thankfully, the boys weren't playing for another hour so she had time to let the Advil sink in to her system.
"We wanted to let you know that while you're watching our show, if the Advil works, we'll make sure that one of the One Direction lads are standing with you. They've already agreed and said it was no problem."
"I don't know any of them."
"It's okay. They'll introduce themselves. You'll love them." Ashton assured. A crew member stuck their head into the room notifying that it was time for their set. "Let's do this!"
Izzy stood backstage with the four until One Direction came up to them. "Lads!"
"Lads!" Harry repeated cheekily. "Hey, Izzy!" She quietly waved.
"Izzy, this is Harry, Niall, Liam, Zayn and Louis." Michael introduced.
"Don't be shy, love. We're not gonna bite." Louis assured.
"Alright. This must be done." Niall spoke confidently as he walked up to Izzy and gave her a massive hug. Soon, the rest of the boys joined in as well. Izzy finally relaxed and warmed up to the five.
"We've gotta go. We'll be back in an hour!" Luke yelled from behind the stage.
"Watch the set!" Ashton yelled at her right before running onto the stage and getting behind the drum kit. As soon as the rest of the boys were out on stage, Izzy took a seat nearby the stage so she could listen to them play. Niall pulled up a chair next to Izzy.
"I love those boys." Niall began conversation. "They're the best."
"They seem nice."
"You like any of them?" Niall asked, surprising Izzy that he wouldn't hesitate to ask the question. She had an answer but could she trust Niall? He spoke as if he had read her mind. "You can trust me, you know? I won't run and tell." Niall gave out a laugh. As soon as he finished speaking, it was like a dam had been broken and all the secrets had flown out like water.
"Ashton is really cute." She gushed. "But I love Michael's hair. Michael is really caring too. He's so sweet and protective. Ashton is really chill though. His laugh is absolutely perfect. But Luke is so hot. He's really sweet when he talks to me, but I like how he's awkward sometimes, but then he's also a real badass at other times. Calum's nose is so cute! And those muscles are perfect. But Ashton was telling me about how he just got through a bad break-up." She blushed after she realised how much she had said.
"If you had to choose one of them, who would it be?" Niall asked, knowing that she had an answer to his question.
"I don't know." Niall gave her an 'I don't believe you' look. "Fine. I really like Ashton but Michael is a close second." She admitted.
"I think Luke is the best." Niall let out one of his infamous laughs causing Izzy to laugh as well. "There aren't many girls on this tour so if you ever need someone to talk to or rant to, I'm here. I'll be just like a girl best friend."
"Thank you, Niall." He sent a smile her way.
"No problem." Izzy spent the rest of the time watching the 5SOS set.
Three hours later
"You can't keep sleeping on the couch, Izzy." Calum pointed out. "Sleep in one of our bunks. We're cuddlers."
"But you're teenage boys..."
"Hey! I'm not!" Ashton yelled. "I'm twenty! I'm a man." Ashton pulled up his sleeves and showed off his muscles. Izzy tried her best not to drool.
"Izzy!" Luke yelled.
"Huh? What?" She asked, coming out of her trance based off of Ashton's huge ass fingers and arms.
"You okay?"
"Um, yeah."
"So do you know where you want to sleep? You can not answer with 'The couch.'" Calum warned.
"I don't know. I don't want to intrude on anyone's bunk." All four boys shook their heads disagreeing with her words.
"You won't be intruding."
"Can you just choose for me?" She questioned, afraid to give an answer.
This is such a short chapter! I'm so sorry!
I'm having such writer's block. If you have any ideas, let me know! PM me!
Love you guys!!!!

Groupie? // 5SOS
Fanfiction"If you don't let me explain, I swear to god I'm walking out that door with my stuff by late morning." She threatened. "I don't care. You've hurt me enough. I couldn't care less if you left. In fact, you'd be doing me a favor." I said carelessly. Te...