Read this! It's basically a chapter! A lot of details are given away! If you don't read this, you will be totally lost for the rest of the story!
The questions will be answered from a third person P.O.V so since that's been settled...
Let's do this!
Hey Hey Heyyyy We're live on "Late Night with CliffordsMess" and she's got a few questions for the cast of 'Groupie?'!
If you haven't read it yet, you can check it out on wattpad in the fanfiction section! Now, On with the interviews!
CliffordsMess: Ladies and Gentleman! I'm here, live from Narnia, ready to ask your favorite stars a few questions about themselves! We recieved multiple questions from fans on twitter, tumblr, and Instagram! They all used the hashtag #groupiecastoncliffordsmess
Well, let's give a big, warm welcome to the first star from Groupie?!, Izzy Wright!
*music plays as she walks onto the stage*
CliffordsMess: So Izzy, tell us. Give us the four-one-one. What's it like being a so-called 'Groupie' for Five-Sauce.
Izzy: Well, I have to admit, it's been a little dramatic. But it's been crazy and exciting too! The guys are insane! They're constantly running wild! I can't believe I haven't gotten sick of them yet!
CliffordsMess: Wow! Sounds...spontaneous! and a little childish. *gives an awkward laugh*
Izzy: If I had to choose one word to describe them, it would definitely be childish. But in a good way!
CliffordsMess: Well I'm glad you're having fun. So I don't know if you heard but we asked some fans to send in questions last night. I'm just going to pull out a few to read aloud! No boundaries!
Izzy: *nervously laughs* Should I be worried?
CliffordsMess: Yes. *picks a random piece of paper out of the clear Nutella jar which is holding all the questions for Izzy* Okay! Here's the first one! Oooooooh. This one is intense!
Izzy: I can handle it!...I think.
CliffordsMess: Do you have any feelings for Michael Clifford?
Izzy: Specify..'feelings'
CliffordsMess: Well, let's start out with..How do you feel about Michael in general?
Izzy: uh...Is this confidential? Will the guys see it?
CliffordsMess: Maybe... Maybe not. But we do have a lie detector on stage! So if we sense that you're lying, we might have to use it.
Izzy: Okay, Okay. Well, I still kind of like Michael. Luke's feelings took me by surprise, but I guess that I kind of like Luke too. I honestly don't know if I truly want to date him yet. YET.
CliffordsMess: Understandable. Should we pull out the next question?! *Looks at audience* What do you guys think?!
*audience cheers loudly*
Izzy: I guess that means yes! I'm still a little worried...
CliffordsMess: Haha! You should be! *reaches for another paper in the Nutella jar which is holding all the questions* Okay... This one is slightly similar to the last one... Ready? *Izzy nods her head in anticipation* Which of the boys are you most attracted too?
*Audience Oohs*
Izzy: Wow. That's a tough one. I can't just answer that on the spot! Do you mean, sexual attraction or personality attraction? Or both put together? Like are they asking if I really like this person?

Groupie? // 5SOS
Fanfiction"If you don't let me explain, I swear to god I'm walking out that door with my stuff by late morning." She threatened. "I don't care. You've hurt me enough. I couldn't care less if you left. In fact, you'd be doing me a favor." I said carelessly. Te...