I wouldn't admit this to anyone, but while we were walking the Champs-Élysées, I was eyeing every girl that passed and tried comparing them to Izzy. it was impossible.
I have one question that I desperately need an answer to:
Where can I find a woman like that?
I woke up to Calum skyping Lacey. I was already exhausted from Ashton and I going out late last night.
"Calum." I whined. "Shut the fûck up."
"I'm talking to Lacey." He replied in a hushed tone.
"I don't care. Go talk to her somewhere else."
"Fine." I heard him hop off the bunk on top of Luke and I, and he padded away.
"Babe." Luke groaned from beside me.
"Come cuddle." He spoke in his raspy, morning voice. I nodded and obliged.
An hour later, we woke up and got ready for a day spent on the tour bus.
The first few hours were spent watching reruns of Friends since I had bought all the seasons when we stopped by a small book store in England. I know. I found every season of Friends... in a bookstore.
After watching half of the first season, Luke and I cuddled under a blanket and watched Begin Again. Yes. It was a pirated version of the movie. But it was definitely worth the hassle of finding it.
Halfway through the movie, I felt myself growing dizzy and light-headed. I couldn't watch the movie anymore. The lights made my head hurt. I couldn't watch it even if I wanted to. I couldn't comprehend what was on the screen. I could vaguely hear someone calling my name. Before I knew it, i was temporarily paralysed. My mind was in a different state than my body. I couldn't move my body but I was able to think. I tried to yell out for Luke or Ashton to hear me but I don't know if they did because the last thing I remember was going into convulsions and blacking out.
Cuddling with Izzy while watching a movie was one of the most entertaining things ever. The way her facial expressions changed or the way she laughed or got upset over something that happened in the movie.
I don't remember what part of the movie it happened, but Izzy started leaning into my chest. It wasn't the normal weight that I usually feel when she's leaning on me. It felt like she had let her entire body collapse onto me. I looked down at her face to see her eyes rolled to the back of her head.
I started shouting her name and the boys came rushing over. Izzy had never explained what to do in this type of situation so I motioned for one of the boys to call the nearest hospital and ask what to do. I wasn't too freaked out until she started shaking in my arms. The driver changed the route and immediately headed to the nearest hospital.
She was mouthing words to me but I couldn't make them out. Her body was continuously convulsing even when her eyes shut and she stopped mouthing words. it was almost comforting when she was awake during the seizure. But when she's unconscious while shaking, it's scary.
I know where I am. This isn't one of those dramatic moments when I go into a coma for a week and overhear them spilling secrets to me. It's one of those moments that feels like déjà-vu because this scenario has happened too many times to feel scary.

Groupie? // 5SOS
Fanfiction"If you don't let me explain, I swear to god I'm walking out that door with my stuff by late morning." She threatened. "I don't care. You've hurt me enough. I couldn't care less if you left. In fact, you'd be doing me a favor." I said carelessly. Te...