Michael started leading us around and showing us the different rooms throughout the gray halls.
"So what's your favourite song of ours?"
"Probably the one where you sing about that girl and that boy. It's so good." I was hoping he didn't catch on to my bad acting.
"Oh... You mean Heartbreak Girl? That's not on the new EP so you must be a long-time fan." He smiled and led us down another long hall. Jesus, they were never ending.
"Yeah. We've always loved your music." Sam said sarcastically. I glared at her. What was she doing?
"Okay?" He replied sounding slightly confused. "So do you want to meet the other boys?"
"Yes!" Sam yelled. It echoed throughout the corridor.
"Who is having sex out here?! Oh my god!" Some dirty-blonde, wavy haired guy came running towards us and Michael ran towards him.
Eventually, they clashed into each other and moaned as if they were hurt. They started walking towards us and Michael introduced us.
"Isabelle. Sam. This is Ashton. Ashton, meet Isabelle and Sam."
I coughed really loudly on Michael's sleeve hoping he would get the message.
"Oh sorry. Ashton, meet Izzy and Sam." He rolled his eyes while saying my preferred name.
"Hi." He did this giggle that was adorable as fuck. Since when do guys giggle?
"I love your laugh." Sam said seductively while strutting over to Ashton.
"Um, yeah. So do you guys want to meet the rest of the boys or?" Michael awkwardly changed the subject. Hopefully the other guys are more towards Sam's type so if I have to "do" anyone, it will be Ashton and his giggles because he is adorable.
"All of them, babe. There's four of us and four of you so it matches up perfectly." Sam winks at Michael.
"What matches up perfectly?" Ashton asked looking at me as if I knew the answer to how Vegemite was made. {AN: What is Vegemite made of? I'm American and I've never had it.}
"Nothing." She said while winking at me.
Out of nowhere, Michael yelled, "ONWARDS!"
Ashton grabbed my hand and forced me to run with him; a little too quick for my taste.
We reached the door where I assumed the other boys must be. Ashton was still holding my hand. When I looked over at him, he was staring at me with the facial expression of a lost puppy.
"Can I help you?" It was getting a little weird but it was kind of cute... You know what I mean?
"Sorry... I-"
"She forgives you, let's go meet the others now." Sam interrupted again.
Michael slammed the door open. (You think he would've learned by now that he shouldn't do that) and he runs onto some Asian-looking guy.
"Guys! Meet my new friends!" Michael yelled. I had a feeling that Michael was the hyper one of the four and I hadn't even met the other two yet.
"So who are you?" Sam sat next to what looks like the youngest of them all. He has blonde hair and a lip piercing. Yes, please.
"I'm Luke.. Sorry to be rude, but is there anyway that you could not sit on my plush penguin?"
Sam stands up and underneath was a now squashed penguin. Poor little guy..
"Ashton! Fix him!" The still un-named Asian looking guy yells.
All of a sudden, I heard a door slam. Sam was no longer in the room. Maybe she went to go check on Lucy and Sasha.
"Your friends are interesting... Although I just met all of you so I can't really not judge you either." While Michael was being all philosophical with me, on the other side of the room, Ashton was giving Luke's penguin goddamn CPR.
"So Michael... Who's your Asian friend?" I asked with no clue whatsoever. Michael burst out into hysterics while the Asian guy pushed Michael off of him and stomped over to me.
"Listen, you little stereotypical girl. I. AM. NOT. ASIAN." With each word, he pushed me with his hand. I held up my hands in surrender.
"Sorry, but it sure would be nice if I could apologise using your name?"
"Calum. Calum not asian Hood"
"Well, I'm sorry Calum. I shouldn't have assumed." That's so awkward. Oh My God. Why do I have a mouth?
"It's okay. Bring it in." He waved his arms towards himself indicating a hug. I didn't move so he grabbed me with no warning at all.
I felt another body hit me, and another.
"Uh... I barely know you guys and we're in a group hug." I heard mumblings of 'sorry' and 'oh, right'.
"Luke! You didn't join the hug! It wasn't the same!" Does everyone yell around here?
"I don't really know her yet so that would've been kind of awkward." Luke refused to look at me. He's shy. Can I have him, please?
I sat down on the couch next to Luke and I turned to him and I introduced myself. "My name is Izzy, in case you didn't hear Michael moan my name before."
"If you know what I mean." I heard Michael say from the other side of the room. I walked over to him and sat on his lap.
"Hi, Michael." I started brushing my hands through his hair. He mouthed 'Hi' back, almost like he couldn't get actual words to come out of his mouth.
I got off his lap and walked over to Ashton who took my hand again and whispered to me if I wanted to watch their set from backstage. I don't know why he didn't just say it out loud.
"Can my friends come too?" I couldn't go without them. They'd never forgive me... Not that I care.
"Absolutely. As long as you'll be there." He winked. I told him I'd go get my friends and come back to the room. As I headed towards the door, I noticed Michael giving an angry glare towards Ashton. I wonder if there's tension in the band.

Groupie? // 5SOS
Fanfiction"If you don't let me explain, I swear to god I'm walking out that door with my stuff by late morning." She threatened. "I don't care. You've hurt me enough. I couldn't care less if you left. In fact, you'd be doing me a favor." I said carelessly. Te...