"It's like a chase to find out what she's about." I stated.
"Exactly. That's why she's different. We need to find her. You know that, right?" He said with determination.
"I know."
After Ashton had left the room and scared the hell out of Michael and I, we watched TV for a while and then talked.
"Okay, so tell me. Have you really had sex with as many people as you told Ashton?"
"A tiny bit less?" I said throwing my hands up to cover my face to hide my blushing.
"How many less?"
"Like four or five? I definitely exaggerated on how good some of them were too." Michael looked relieved. "Why do you look so relieved?!"
"Cos if they weren't that good, then I can probably beat them out real easy." He winked and I punched his arm. "Oww."
"Shut up." We kept talking about random stuff with random jokes in between. He made me laugh constantly and to be honest, I thought he was really attractive which made me like him ten times more. I don't care about looks alone. But if the guy has a great personality then I give myself permission to judge his looks.
Eventually we feel asleep, him on the couch and me on the beanbags. I was woken up by Sam, Lucy, and Sasha pulling my hair to wake me up.
"Stop!" I whispered.
"We're leaving. Let's go." I thought since they were getting along with the guys, we would stay longer but I guess not. I wanted to leave Michael my number at least. Sam, Lucy and Sasha headed out and I quickly wrote my number on Michael's hand using a sharpie I found in his pocket. He's a heavy sleeper, I see.
I ran out of the room and followed behind Sasha. We attempted to make our way out of the building and after searching for about an hour we found an exit. After getting in Sam's car, I looked at Sasha and realised that she had Sex hair.
"You have sex hair?" I asked her.
"Yea.. I know." She bragged.
"Are you going to share? Who?"
"Ashton." Lucy interrupted. I didn't notice that she had Sex hair either. Wow... and with Ashton, too.
"What about you Sasha?"
Two problems here:
1. Sasha and Lucy had sex with the same person. Wether it was at the same time or not, I have no idea.
2. Arguments usually break out over this type of thing.PLAY:
"You didn't do Ashton cos I did Ashton." Lucy stated with confidence.
"Actually I did do him and he was great." Sasha replied while smiling her 'bitchy smile' as we call it.
"No. You didn't."
"Yes. I actually did." This went back and forth for a while before someone made a move. We shouldn't have put them in the back seat together. Sam and I just gave each other a look that was saying 'this always happens.'
We began dropping each person off. Sasha walked into her house and you practically hear her mother scream about her ripped clothes. Lucy walked into her house and thankfully for her no one was home.
When Sam dropped me off, I noticed cop cars outside my house. Is Jeremy okay? Did he get hurt?
Shit. I was supposed to be home by one in the morning last night. God. How could I forget? He's probably worried sick!
Sam looked at me, knowingly and let me out of the car. I walked up the front steps, passed the officers who were staring me down. When I walked in the house, I was engulfed in a hug by none other than Jeremy.
"Jeremy, I am so so sorry." I hugged him non-stop. I could tell he had been freaking out.
"I know. I know. I was getting worried that you didn't come home. I thought something had happened. I called the police because they would be able to find you. I worry a little too much. I apologize too." He said slowly and carefully.
"No, no. Please don't apologize. I should have called you and I-"
"It's okay. You're young. I get it. I was like that when I was your age. As long as this doesn't happen all the time, we'll be on good terms, yea?" I feel so bad. I had never not called if I wasn't going to be home. I was always responsible with these kinds of things.
Did I even take my medication last night?
Once again, shit.
I was so distracted and caught up in everything. I totally forgot. I hugged Jeremy one last time before heading up to my room and swallowing the 5 pills that I took morning and night for my Epilepsy. It sucked because sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. Usually they work, but last night they didn't.
Just as I had finished swallowing my pills all at once, my phone started buzzing.
I looked over and saw that it was an unknown number. Did he see his hand? Did he read it?
I slid the bar across to answer.
"Izzy?! Oh my god. Is that you?" I heard mumbling in the background so I waited for it to stop. "Izzy?"
"Yes? Who is this?"
"It's Michael. I found your name in the white pages." Of course it's Michael. When he introduced himself, he said to call him, Michael or Mikey. Wait. The White Pages?
"You looked me up in the White Pages." I stated.
"I just said that."
"Check your hand and then slap yourself with it afterwords." I said flatly.He is such an idiot.
"What do you me-" The line got quiet, really quiet. I wasn't sure what to think.
He started whispering, "Is that your number written in sharpie on my hand?" I could tell he was about to get really pissed off.
"No shit."
Sooooo I hope this was a reasonably long chapter to make up for the one this morning. 😁
I guess this was a bit of a filler chapter
Do you guys actually read the end notes?
I usually skip over them for some fics😁

Groupie? // 5SOS
Fanfiction"If you don't let me explain, I swear to god I'm walking out that door with my stuff by late morning." She threatened. "I don't care. You've hurt me enough. I couldn't care less if you left. In fact, you'd be doing me a favor." I said carelessly. Te...