Third Person
"So before our argument could go anywhere it shouldn't go, Calum walked in and stopped us."
"I put the five of us in a circle at the table and grabbed a jar of Nutella. I demanded that whoever had the jar of Nutella could talk and everyone else had to shut the fuck up." Cal explained. "I told you to describe everything that had happened with each guy. The guys being Luke, Michael and Ash."
"None of us had much to say except that I said our kiss wasn't a mistake." Michael covered his face with his sleeves.
"Wait! Then that's when Sasha called and told me she didn't have an abortion. But then I called her doctor and he told me there were no records for her at his office."
"So she was lying?" Izzy guessed.
"I'm not at that part yet!" Ashton thought through what he was going to say next. "Wait.. I am at that part. So, yes. She was lying. I called her and told her to never bother me again."
"Then I announced to Calum that you had Epilepsy and you got pissed off and walked to the back of the bus."
"Then I followed you there." Luke stated. "You cried in my arms for at least twenty minutes. Then somewhere along the lines, we kissed and you agreed to go on a date with me."
"Wait.. So when we asked what you were hiding and you said Blink-182 was breaking up, you lied?!" Cal yelled obviously ticked off that Luke had lied to him.
"Yes... So after that, we went on this weird talk show thing and we were all asked questions separately. It was weird as all hell. But we found out that-"
"Shut up, Luke! She'll find out as we continue our story. Not the talk show story." Ash interrupted.
"Anyway... Things became really tense between all of us. Ashton and I left the room after you told us about you and Luke."
"I don't want to interrupt but I really want to know what happened to Lacey. I think that was her name? What happened to her at that point?" Izzy asked Calum.
"We were Skyping and texting and talking a lot. We went on Skype dates." He mumbled with a small smile that faded into a frown. Izzy nodded in response.
"As I was saying, Ash and I hadn't really talked to you and Luke for a while because everything was awkward and tense. You and Luke started going out on dates and it became awkward for all of us."
"But then one night, after you came back from a date, you started a conversation with me and we started talking again. We were in France that night so the two of us took the Metro to the Champs-Elysees. We bought loads of shit from the Disney Store. You bought me this really cute purple puffle and we named it Izton." Izzy gave a confused look. "Izton is our names mashed together."
"Oh. That's cute."
"Yeah... Well you guys got me a fucking Asian Disney character animal. Like out of all the possible things to get me, you choose Mushu from Mulan." Calum complained.
"Then the next day we went to the hospital." Luke said bluntly. He was still scarred from what he saw that day.
"What? Why?"
"We were cuddling and watching re-runs of friends. Out of nowhere you started leaning into my chest. It wasn't the cuddle kind of leaning... It was like your muscles stopped working so your entire torso had fallen back on me for support. I looked down at you and your eyes were rolled to the back of your head. You started convulsing in my arms. You never explained what to do in that type of situation so we called a nearby hospital and we admitted you in. The doctors wouldn't let us go to your room so we stayed in the waiting room for hours. When they finally let us in, the hospital doctor gave us info about Epilepsy."

Groupie? // 5SOS
Fanfiction"If you don't let me explain, I swear to god I'm walking out that door with my stuff by late morning." She threatened. "I don't care. You've hurt me enough. I couldn't care less if you left. In fact, you'd be doing me a favor." I said carelessly. Te...