Izzy's POV
"Ok my turn. Who's your favorite cele-" he started but was cut off by Ashton.
"Guys. We're almost at the Venue. Stop having sex and get dressed." He turned around and walked out.
Izzy's POV
Luke and I walked around backstage since the rest of the group wasn't really talking to us. I'm going to put some effort into getting my friendship back together with Ashton.
"Can you lead me back to the boys? I want to talk to Ashton and figure things out. Oh and talk to Michael, please. I don't know what happened but after yesterday, he thinks we're dating." I told him.
We headed back to the dressing room where the boys were. Ashton was on his phone playing Candy Crush. You could hear the theme music for the game throughout the room. Calum and Michael were playing Fifa on the Xbox they brought everywhere.
"Ashton?" He looked up from his phone and so did Michael and Cal. They paused the game and stared at Luke and I. Ashton rolled his eyes at me and went back to playing Candy Crush.
"Michael, I need to talk to you." Luke walked over to Michael and helped him stand up. Michael left with Luke but you could see the hesitation in his eyes.
"What the hell is going on?" Calum asked with confusion clear in his voice.
"I need to talk to Ashton. I'm sorry, Cal. I don't mean to exclude you." He nodded, stood up and walked out of the room with a fake smile plastered on his face. "Ashton?"
"What." He refused to make eye contact with me. He was still holding his iPhone, playing Candy crush, almost trying to pretend that I didn't exist. I grabbed his phone without warning, turned it off and put it in my back pocket. "Okay. That wasn't cool. Give it back."
"Not until you talk to me! What did I do?! Luke and I were just joking around and you walked in and got pissed." I explained.
"Please. I'm not an idiot. Don't waste your breath on fake excuses. I saw what I saw." He refused to take in what I was telling him.
"You are an idiot, Ash."
"What?! Why am I the idiot?! You think I'm the idiot?!" He laughed and rolled his eyes. "You're funny."
"At least let me explain before you assume things that you shouldn't." I was getting annoyed with him.
"Listen. I couldn't sleep last night and I tried to wake Luke up and he didn't. Eventually he woke up because he hit his head on something. So he came out to the living room and we got into conversation about how I couldn't sleep. I fixed his head and we tried to sleep in the booth. Eventually we gave up and I went into his bunk. This morning I accidentally pushed him off the bed and he climbed back up on the bed and started tickling me INNOCENTLY and... that's when you guys saw what we looked like. That's the entire story of last night, Ash." It seemed like he was starting to crack because he was giving me small subtle glances.
"If I ask Luke, he'd say the same thing?"
"Go ask him." I pointed to the door.
"Okay, okay. I believe you." I sighed because finally, he shut up. "We need to do something about this... you bunking with the guys though."
"If you want, I can rotate bunks between you and Luke." He nodded and then stood up. Ash looked down at the ground. He was obviously still uncomfortable. "Luke and I are just really close, okay?"
"Shut up and hug me." I ran over to where he was standing and squeezed him. "We're good right?" He whispered in my ear. I hummed a yes.
"You can stop hugging me now.." He blushed and walked away. I reached into my back pocket to get his phone but then I realised it was missing.
"Ashton I lost your pho-" He held up his phone and gave a smug grin. "You little shit."
Michael's POV
Luke practically pulled me out of the dressing room. Cal and I were in the middle of FIFA and I was about to beat him.
"Listen. I need to talk you." He started.
"You sound serious, bro. What is it?"
"I'm not dating her." He didn't even have to tell me who 'her' was. I could already tell.
"You're not? I admit it. I'm shocked. You guys have been so close." I told him my thoughts. Did this mean she was still available?
"We are close but I'm just her best friend. You know that I'm not one to come on to a girl so quickly. I find that extremely awkward."
"I get it. Thanks for letting me know. I would've spent the rest of the tour thinking you guys are dating." Thank god they're not. I have a shot now.
"Let's go back. We have to go on in a few." He jumped on my back and I gave him a piggyback ride to the room. We walked in on the most horrific sight I've ever seen. I think I've gone blind. I wish I had gone blind before I walked into the room.
Calum's POV
Since Izzy kicked me out of the room, I've been wandering the halls with nothing better to do. I checked my watch to see what time it was but we still had half an hour before the show started.
"Calum." I heard someone whisper. "Caluuuum."
My eyes were covered by hands and I couldn't see anything but black. I wanted to scream but in movies I've seen, screaming only makes it worse."Who are you?" my voice sounded shaky.
"I'm your greatest dream, but your worst nightmare," They whispered right into my ear. You could say I was a little turned on by the voice. I hope it's a chick.
"Who the hell are you?!" My voice was a little louder this time.
"Your Bae." Could it be her? That would be amazing.
"LUCY?" I asked excitedly.
Hello *waves awkwardly*
Anyway... thanks for 2.3k reads!! Love you all so so much. Thanks to everyone voting and commenting. (It makes my day when you guys comment.)
But I hope this was a good update. I've got another one coming which I might post a little later tonight or tomorrow morning although I'll be trying to video chat Michael early tomorrow morning. idk.
ANYWAY LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCHoh and Honesty (title of the chapter) is a song by Billy Joel. I love his music so much.

Groupie? // 5SOS
أدب الهواة"If you don't let me explain, I swear to god I'm walking out that door with my stuff by late morning." She threatened. "I don't care. You've hurt me enough. I couldn't care less if you left. In fact, you'd be doing me a favor." I said carelessly. Te...