"How long have we been walking?" I groaned. My legs were beginning to ache, reminding me that I have to go shopping to buy tighter jeans.
"Shut up, Ash."
"Yeah, stop complaining Ash. We're having fun!" I glanced over at Michael who looked at me as well. He winked and smiled looking accomplished.
"You're right. We're having fun." I agreed after seeing Izzy's face light up. She almost looked like her old self.
"Alright, Izzy. My back hurts. I've been holding you for like half an hour." Michael put Izzy back down on the ground and continued walking down the deserted street. Trees towered over us as we were swallowed further into the darkness.
"It's getting kind of creepy."
"Yeah... Should we find a gas station or something? Maybe they'll have a charger too so we can plug in."
"Sounds good to me." The only problem with this plan was that we couldn't find a gas station anywhere and I had no idea how long we'd been walking.
"Anyone know what time it is?"
"No. Why?"
"I have to take my medication." Both Michael and I aimed our gazes at Izzy.
"What?" I know Michael had heard her but it was obvious that he needed reassurance.
"I need to take my medication." She repeated.
"We don't have anything to drink."
"And we don't have your medication." Izzy reached into her back pocket and pulled out a small, pocket-size case.
"I always carry this just in case anything happens. The doctor from the hospital told me it would be a good idea."
"Well that's a relief... But how are you going to swallow it?"
"I'll just dry swallow. It isn't so bad." Michael and I were hesitant but before we could stop her, she had already completed the practically impossible task. "Why are you staring at me?" Izzy looked over at Michael, noticing the evident smirk on his face.
"That was hot as fùck." Izzy's face turned red at Michael's words.
"Okay..." We continued to walk silently until we saw a bus speeding down the street. "Someone stop the car!" Michael ran into the street, being the idiot he is, and waved his hands back and forth. What we thought was a car, turned out to be a bus. A tour bus.
"Why are you guys all the way out here?" Niall asked with raised eyebrows as he stepped off the bus. Izzy ran towards him and pulled him into a big hug.
"You saved us from a disaster! Michael and Ashton had no idea where we were going and our phones died."
"Well that explains why we couldn't track your iPhones. Get on the bus and we'll bring you back to the bar where Luke and Calum are freaking out." Izzy and Michael stepped into the bus. Just as Niall was about to climb on as well, I pulled him back by the elbow causing him to stumble. "What the hell?"
"What are you doing?"
"What do you mean?"
"You know exactly what I mean." I was getting frustrated with him. He knew exactly what he was doing and I don't know why he's doing it.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." He smirked at me and walked onto the bus. I followed after him not wanting to be left behind.
The bus ride was sufficiently awkward. No one spoke and I could feel the tension between Michael, Niall and Me. Izzy seemed hopelessly confused as she lay down on one of the bunks.

Groupie? // 5SOS
Fanfiction"If you don't let me explain, I swear to god I'm walking out that door with my stuff by late morning." She threatened. "I don't care. You've hurt me enough. I couldn't care less if you left. In fact, you'd be doing me a favor." I said carelessly. Te...