[AN: This chapter is dedicated to Gettingthe9ds
*gets down on one knee*
Will you, Gettingthe9ds , do the honor of marrying me? *places ring pop on your finger*]
Izzy's POV
"I could never take advantage of your fame." Honesty was laced through my words.
"We know. That's why we haven't told you to fuck off. That's why we let you come on tour with us. That's why we've grown so close, so fast." Calum explained with an unmistakably small smile.
"Let's figure out these plans then." I gave permission for us to continue working on the plans for Jeremy's funeral.
Izzy's POV
"His death was so sudden. I don't know what I expected to happen when I came home. But I can assure you, I was not expecting to find my guardian lying on the floor without a pulse. His body, disintegrating surrounded by bugs. I hadn't talked to him in a few days but I had been making my weekly calls to him."
He's 65...It was bound to happen sooner or later. My only problem is that I have nowhere to go now. The house was paid off so I would only have to pay taxes if I were to continue living here. I might as well keep the house, but how will I pay for college? There's only so much money in my account and his account. In his will, all of Jeremy's money will be given to me since he doesn't have any close children. He lost all contact with them after he paid for college. Thank god he put me in his will. I don't know what I'd do if he hadn't.
They came to pick up his body two hours after we found him. The scene was disgusting. He had already begun to rot away. It was too late to do an autopsy so we couldn't find out how he died.
"Jeremy Wright. The one who took me over after my parents filed for bankruptcy and left me. The one who paid for my every need. The one who took care of me. He helped me take his last name so life would be easier. Now, it's all gone. I have to deal with it myself. That's the end of Jeremy Wright."
I quickly ended my speech at Jeremy's funeral. I couldn't help but think about his death as I was reading. It was starting to really sink in. I was alone.
I stepped off of the podium which was placed in front of the closed casket. We couldn't have had an open casket if we had wanted to. His body wouldn't be in the right shape to go through something like that.
When I found him, I didn't realize that would be the last time I'd see him. It was hitting me hard that I no longer had someone to watch over me. No parents. No guardian. Nothing.
I held a post-funeral brunch to thank people for coming. I didn't feel like spending the entire day being sad and depressed, and the boys helped with that. They walked around making sure that everyone was having a good time and mingling with people. I didn't want to participate much. I felt an overwhelming feeling of depression. I just wanted this to be over so I could sulk on the couch and cry.
"Can you have a parent or guardian fill out this form? It's the only thing I need before I can give you your license." The DMV lady asked. "No. I don't have one."
"You have to be 18 or older to rent a room unless you have a parent or guardian who could sign for you." I walked out of the hotel and got back in the cab full of all my clothes and suitcases filled with random items.
I began to get out of the cab after grabbing all my belongings. I handed the driver my credit card. "I can't slide this through the machine unless you have a parent or guardian to sign for you." "I don't have one. I don't have cash either."

Groupie? // 5SOS
Fanfiction"If you don't let me explain, I swear to god I'm walking out that door with my stuff by late morning." She threatened. "I don't care. You've hurt me enough. I couldn't care less if you left. In fact, you'd be doing me a favor." I said carelessly. Te...