Calum's POV
"Who the hell are you?!" my voice was a little louder this time.
"Your Bae." could it be her? That would be amazing.
"LUCY?" I asked excitedly.
Calum's POV
I was spun around and Lucy's face came in sight. "HOW..WHY...HOW.. WHAT? HOW DID YOU GET HERE?!" I practically screamed.
"I took a train." She smirked. "Just so you know, I only came here cos I was horny. Can we find somewhere?" Her smirk grew bigger.
"Walk with me, babe. I know just the place." She locked her arm in mine and we headed to the dressing room right next to where Ashton and Izzy were.
As soon as we walked in, she slammed against a wall and started making out with me. I could already tell this would be incredible.
Luke's POV
Michael and I finished our conversation so we headed back to get ready for the show. I was on Michael's back since I basically forced him to give me a piggyback ride. What else is new? We finally reached one of our dressing rooms. Michael didn't check which room we entered. If it said "5SOS Dressing Room 2" then it we assumed there what could there be to worry about?
We definitely should not have entered this room.
Right before our eyes, we saw Cal and Lucy going at it on the dresser. She's here?!
"Oh my god." I whispered to Michael as we both looked away.
"Do we just walk out or..." Michael whispered to me because they still hadn't noticed us.
"Should we start yelling at them?"
"I... I'm surprised they didn't hear the door open." I whispered back.
"shit. I have to sneeze." he said with his voice a little on edge. "No Michael! No! Don't!" but it was too late. He sneezed and all attention was on us.
"What the fuck are you guys doing in here?" Calum looked at us with a pissed expression. Michael and I both stuttered uncontrollably. "Well get out!" Calum yelled at us.
We ran out immediately and headed next door to Ashton and Izzy who were in the middle of a hug.
"GUYS." Michael stated making it clear that we had entered the room.
"Problem." I added.
"What kind of problem?" Ashton said slowly. I looked at Izzy and she looked at me. I could see the confusion in her eyes.
"Lucy's here." Michael announced.
"What?!" Izzy asked, obviously shaken up by the news. Ashton was shocked. I couldn't tell if he was happy or upset or what his emotions were.
"Wait. Why is she here?" Ashton asked trying to comprehend what we had told them.
"I... I don't know. Izzy, can I talk to you?" I tried to avoid the subject. She nodded and we walked out of the room.
"What the fuck? Is she serious? My opinion of Cal has totally changed. Did he ask her to come here?" She ranted a million questions that I was wondering myself.
"I can't answer any of those questions... but we should find out." I told her.
"How did you find out she was here?" Wow. That's gonna be an awkward explanation.

Groupie? // 5SOS
Fanfiction"If you don't let me explain, I swear to god I'm walking out that door with my stuff by late morning." She threatened. "I don't care. You've hurt me enough. I couldn't care less if you left. In fact, you'd be doing me a favor." I said carelessly. Te...