Job Interview

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Finally, after sending more résumés than I could even remember, I received a call for a job interview at a prestigious firm, not the one I wanted but they were all the same crap at the end of the day so I didn't care about that much.The person in HR who call me ask me to be at the office at 15:45 after sending me the details to my mail, arriving there exactly at 15:40. I always believe that being too early was the same that being too late, that's why I stayed smoking like four cigarettes in the 20 minutes I waited before entering the building.I took the elevator and push the button to go to the fifth floor as the security guard told me. The doors opened and in front of me, I saw a reception.

"Hi, I'm Simon Adams. Here for an interview with Alexander..."

The receptionist grabbed her phone and marking a three-digit number said, "Mr. Price, your 15:45 appointment is here. Sure," -she hanged out the phone and looked at me- "Is the last office at your right going that way," she said pointing with her perfectly done nail before going back to her tasks.

"Thanks...I guess" I said low enough so she couldn't hear the last part.

I march through the hallway, seeing people shouting and moving around as if they were working in an ICU. I stored that image under the red flag category in my brain and proceed rapidly to the office.

"Hi, I'm..." I said standing at the threshold, being interrupted, again.

"Come on in, and shut the door." My interviewer said abruptly.

I obeyed.

"Also close the curtains, I want some privacy," He said pointing to the glass walls that separated his office from the herd.

I did what he said, not liking anything about this place, but it has been months since I had an interview and according to the people who call me, it was good money, and I need it badly if I wanted to pay this month rent or eat the next one.

"You can come here now but don't sit"

I felt like a little kid again standing in front of his desk, like if this was the principal office and I was about to be punished, but with the one exception that the man behind it wasn't an old guy, on the contrary, it was a man about my same age, maybe younger, it was hard to tell as he had a perfectly sculptured body, surely went to the gym every day as the biceps in his silk shirt showed.

"I'll be cut to the chase as I don't have the time, I looked at your résumé and you seem fine for the role, but, I have to get sure you can follow my order, no matter what."

"I consider myself..." I started saying so I could give the usual speech about how I was the perfect candidate for the job and all that lies that the company wants you to tell as a formality, even when both know that nothing of that is true.

"I wasn't done, take this." He said handing me my printed résumé.

I took it not sure of where he was going with this.

"I want you to make a ball with it and put it on your mouth."

I didn't believe a word of what I just heard.

"Sorry, what?" I said hoping to be wrong.

"I don't like to repeat myself. Or you do what I said, or this interview is over, but, looking at your bank account I don't think you can take the luxury of leaving so..." He pointed with his chin at the paper when he finished talking.

"How do you...?"

"Do what I said, and the job is yours, starting on putting that piece of paper on your mouth."It took me a few seconds to think about it, looking at the paper and then to his cold blue eyes hoping he was pulling my leg.It didn't seem like it.I swallowed my pride and I open my mouth, putting the sheet inside of it.

"Perfect. Now seal it with this." He said passing me some wide scotch tape that he took from one of his drawers. When I took it from his hands he added, "all around it."

It took me a while to find the edge of the tape before wrapping it around my mouth.

"More." He said when I was just about to cut the tape.

I continued and continued, as he didn't allow me to stop until I ran out of tape.

"Good. Now take a step forward and put your hands over the desk."

I did what he told me, feeling all the embarrassment in the world right at this moment.He stood up from his chair and walked slowly, looking closely at me, until he was behind my back.

"Let get rid of these cheap things" he whispered in my ear at the same time he unzipped my pants and pull out my belt before my pants went down.

Then he took my jacket with a strong pull and then my tie, just before tying up my arms next to my chest using my belt, adjusting it to the point it was hard to breathe.

"Bend over." He said grabbing me gently by the head and pushing it softly until my upper body was all over his desk, rising my shirt in the process, which seconds ago covered my underwear. Now nothing stopped him to see my tiny tight blue briefs with dark stripes that I was wearing. I remember of had this since high school, but as I discovered today, I never get rid of them, even when they didn't fit me as those days, but, when I found them at the bottom of my drawer, I thanked the universe as I didn't have any other clean cloth and going command to a job interview didn't seem like a good idea. Now I felt as if founding this was all a sick joke instead of the miracle I thought.

"Oh, you definitely need the money if you have to wear this," he said hitting me with the elastics of my underwear.

"Mmmmpggh," I said trying to rescue the little self-respect I have, trying to defend my choice of underwear, even when I knew he was right. They leave nothing to the imagination, covering barely my ass and looking very worn.

"Speak clearly." He said slapping my ass hard.


"For the last time," he said pulling me by my hair, "I don't like to repeat myself, is that clear?"

I nodded.

"Good" he said releasing me, causing that my head to fell right into his desk with a big stomp.


"Stop whining!"

I tried to suck it up the pain I felt for the fall and remain silent, fearing what could do to me if I didn't follow his orders.

"Now, stay still" I heard his voice behind me, at the same time I listen a metallic sound, and then some pants going down. "This is not gonna hurt. Much"

                                                                                        The End?

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