Field Trip

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"Grab his legs!"

I felt a big pressure around my ankles as soon I heard those words.

"Got them!"

I never wanted so much to punch somebody in y life that these 4 idiots I had around me, but, my hands were also being held by another gorilla.

"aaaAAAaah...Let-me-go." I said moving like a worm, trying to slip from the hands of my captors but with no luck.

"Don't be a pussy speedo boy, we just want to check our theory," Josh, a.k.a the most popular guy in school, a.k.a the leader of these goons, a.k.a a giant ass, said while ordering to another of his minions to start recording these with his phone. "These gonna be good that everyone in the class will want to see it. "

Stupid field trip.

I didn't want to come but I needed the credits to pass the school year, and also my parents make me do it as they thought I need to spend more time with people of my age and less with my video games. 

"I said hold him!"

"I'm! but he keeps squirming!"


"Yeah, the FBI is on his way so you can relax now, guys we better scatter"

They all laugh at his stupid joke.My body was starting to get tired of fighting and moving, feeling my sweat coming down from most parts.

"Easy stallion, we have all night. Aren't you lucky of being assigned to the same room that me and my friends?"

"Idiot! I can't feel my arms!"

"Now, don't be a drama queen, just stay still, and we'll end this in a minute, we just want to check if speedo boy is also briefs boy," he said while he start to unzip my pants.

This is why I hate kids my age, they are all idiots. Especially Josh and his friends, since they saw me at the swimming practice wearing a speedo they kept teasing me about it, calling me 'speedo boy' on the hallways or in class.

I start fighting again moving my legs in any direction so Josh wouldn't be able to pull down my jeans, but he team up with Matt, the same person who was holding me by the ankles and the two of them pulled my pants until they came off.

They all laughed.

"Damn! Those seem to be even tinier than your speedo on swim class!"

 Of all days, why I have to use my new underwear today?

Well I knew why, because of my mum who bought me new underwear for the trip, because 'you always need to have fresh underwear for a field trip' I didn't see any logical reason to people do that, but also I didn't care, I just grabbed the pack and use one of them, so I was still stretching them, but still, I hate to admit it but  Josh was right ,  they were super tiny, I think they were a smaller size than my normal underwear.

I stop moving so my shirt will cover my navy blue briefs but Josh notice what I was doing and with an evil smile on his face, started to tickle me until I was out of breath, then grant me a few minutes to recover, and then start again.

I didn't know how long that loop lasted.

"HE-he-HEL.HELP!" I could manage to scream, hoping someone will hear me and come to my rescue. 

"Look guys! Or those briefs are getting tighter or something is growing inside there" 

My face was already red because of all the struggling but I think I went even further when I heard that. With all the movement and touching, I could feel my dick wanting to take a peek outside my underwear. 

"Hey D-man, I want a close-up of the big reveal, what do you say speedo boy? or is it, briefs boy now? "

"Sons of bitches, let me go now or-"

Someone knocked on the door.

The time seemed to freeze in the room when we all listen to that sound, we look at each other, feeling in that precise moment a boost in my strength.


Was all that I reach to say before Douglas, aka D-man, dropped his phone and put his hand over my mouth.Josh said nothing, but he gave a sign to his minions to keep me secured before despairing on the small hallways that separate the room from the door, making it impossible to see what was happening here from the door, but if I could manage to whoever it was knocking to step inside...

 "Mr. Adams! Is everything alright?"

"Not exactly Mr. Mckallen, the manager called me because he has several reports of this room being too noisy. Could you elaborate about that?"

"Simon was right guys! It was too loud!" He screamed from the door as if we were all friends and we were waiting for him to resume the movie instead of torturing me.


"Stay quiet!" Douglas whispered, putting more pressure on his hand gag, keeping my head glued to the floor.

"Sorry Mr. Adams, we were watching the new Halloween movie on cable, our parents don't let us see those kinds of movies, so maybe we went too excited about it I think. We'll keep it down, I promise."

"All right, is a field trip, after all. I was young once so I can understand that. Just don't make me go out of my bed again, Is that clear?"


"Good, then enjoy it, boys! It's very good, and remember movie or not, tomorrow I want everybody in the lobby by 8 am. Goodnight!"

"Goodnight Mr. Adams! We'll see you at 8!" Josh said closing the door, while I was moving like a worm trying to get free and scream to Mr. Adams, our English teacher, that these bullies were holding me like a kidnap victim inside here, but besides a few mumbles, I couldn't do much to make that happen.

"Well, you heard the man boys, let's keep it quiet from now on," Josh said with another evil smile on his face, knowing that whatever he was thinking right now, It wasn't gonna be good for me.

And I was right.

To be continued...

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