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"C'mon Josh, she doesn't reply to any of my calls or texts..."
"She must have her reasons to do so."

I fight the urge of punching him right in the face. I need him on my side if I wanted to talk with Susan again.

"Can you at least give her this letter?"I said picking an envelope inside my jeans pocket.He took it gently from my hands and examine it as if was a piece of a puzzle.

"What is this? We were back in 1860?"
"It's the only option I got, I can't even pass the front gate of your stupid school."

Susan and his best friend Josh were enrolled into the most prestigious school in the city, making it the fort Knox of schools, being impossible to get in if you weren't granted access from the teachers or the headmaster.
Days before, after our fight, I waited outside the gates for Susan but no luck. She must be taking a lift by some of her friends to return home. Another place where I wasn't welcome.

"True. You need to be wearing one of these if you want to get past the gate." He said pinching his blazer with some proud.
I look at him from head to toes, and an idea hit me inside my head.

"Right...Hey! Do you want me to take you there? I've got my car and I made you lose the bus, so is the least I can do."

He raised an eyebrow.

"You know that you can't enter with me, even if you are dropping me, right?"

"Yeah, yeah I know, but hey, is the least I can do."

He doubt for a few seconds, but he finally accepted my offer.We both entered my car, and I started the engine, and step on the pedal as if we were chased by the police.

"You are going a little fast, don't you think?"
"I know, but we have to make up for the lost time!"

<Also, I don't want you to get out.>

"Right. Try not to kill us in the process"

"Relax! Hey Josh, silly question, but, what size do you wear?"

He looked at me confused."M...but why do you-"

His eyes transformed into two big plates when he read my mind. I suppose my evil look was also a big hint.

"No, no, nononono, absolutely no!"
"I'm sorry but I have to."I said stopping the car. He look around us and noticed that we were under a bridge on a very private spot. No one will hear him from here calling for help.He rushed to get out of the car, but I grab him by the neck.

"We can do this by the easy or the hard way."

He tried to punch me, but I grabbed his fist with my hand before he even could come closer to me.

"The hard way it is," I said grabbing him by his tiny wrists after literally two seconds of fighting. I started taking his tie, tossing it to the back seat, and then I unbuttoned his shirt, while he kept moving like a worm in the seat.


I put my hand over his mouth.

"Shhhht! You're giving me a headache. No one will hear you here, and I just need your uniform for one hour tops, I promise. So be a good boy."

"MMMMMMPH!"He kept screaming under my palm with no sign of stopping soon, so I had no other choice than put some dirty old rag I have around the car to shut him up, he choked a little with it, but nothing more beyond that.


"Aaaah much better!" I said while hearing his muffled voice.
Now that I could hear my thoughts, I decided to continue undressing him outside of the car. Surely it would be much easier than inside, especially for the pants part.
I took his belt and tied his hands with it and unzipped his pants before I pushed him outside the car.I move quickly, and before he could stand up and run, I was already on him pulling out his pants, they came out with two good pulls.
Once I had them on my hands I tossed them inside the car and take some duct tape I had in the glove compartment and tied up his ankles together.


He screamed, but not as loud as before, as I imagine he was a little embarrassed that someone will find him like this, trying to cover his tighty withies with his hands tied in front of him.

"Ooh Calvin Klein, fancy." I said teasing him giving him a little spank in the ass. He didn't seem to like it.
I help him stand up and I untied his hands so I could take his shirt and blazer, the final part of this stupid uniform.
He tried to do a second round with some hope to beat me, but of course, he didn't have any chance.

I changed inside the car, and the uniform was a good fit, not perfect but it will work, I checked inside each pocket but finally found the school ID inside Josh's backpack.

"Shit!" I said looking at the time. I only had ten minutes to get to the school, but first, I had to check out one last time to my hostage.
I exited the car and look inside the already open trunk, seeing Josh tied and gagged with duct tape, still with that dirty old rag inside his mouth. He must be furious with that.

"I'm sorry but I can't bite my tongue any longer, how old are you? 93?" I couldn't avoid saying pointing to his choice of undergarments with my chin.
His face turned even more red than before when he knew that I noticed he tucked his undershirt inside his tighty whities, trying desperately to get free with some hope that this time he actually could kick my ass.

"Cool down boy, or you will untuck your shirt. Now, how do I look?"


"That was a little rude, but I forgive you. Sit tight for one hour and try to relax, I'll try to park in a good spot so you won't roast inside here." I put my hand on the trunk's door and I had to say again out loud what I was thinking.

"Undershirt tucked inside tighty withies...you know that you deserve a big wedgie for that, right? An atomic one I would say."

"MMMMPHGGH!" he protested while twerking like a worm.

"Relax, relax, I won't do it, I'm just saying."

He seemed relieved.

"I really, really owe you a big one for this, and I'm really sorry that I had to do this, but I promise it would be just an hour or so."

I couldn't be sure but I think he replied a kindly 'drop dead' under his gag.

"Yeah well, it's getting late," I said before closing the trunk and starting the car again, silencing Josh complaints with some old good rock'n roll.

                    The End?

(Maybe other chapter but with Josh POV this time?)

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