Tighty Whities Predicament

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Who doesn't hate group assignments? If you are like me, you surely think this, and probably end up doing all the work to then write down your name at the bottom of the cover and get a few people a good grade and share the credit with them.

Ufff...I hated group assignments.

Nevertheless, the teachers love them, less work to correct I suppose, so now I'm stuck with the 'cool' guys of my classroom at my house to start this essay and probably finish it alone later.

"Why don't we do a potato gun?" Said Joshua, the prankster of the class.

"We don't have six years old you moron" said the basketball captain and heartbreaker of the school, Martin.

"And what about a potato cannon?" Said the last member of this dumb trio, Jim without personal attributes
to remark, besides his sagging pants.

Breath Simon, breath...

"I thoguht on doing a solar battery, but we could change it to a potato one..." I said hoping they chose the first option.

"The potato one" said the three at the same time to the point each other and laugh.

Oh my goddd

"Okay" I said thinking on change it later to my original idea. "I'll go the kitchen and get one, so we can start working..."

"Woo, isn't getting late?"

Already wanting to bail out Martin? Fine but me...

"No problem, my parents leave for the weekend, so we have all night to finish this." I said hoping to scare the other two so they start running when they realize that we could be working on this all night long.

I didn't think about it very well at that moment...

"Wait, so you are all alone, in this house, for the whole weekend?" Said Jim

"Yeah, your point?"

They look at each other and yelled again at the same time, "grab him!"

Before I understood what was happening, the three of them were already holding my arms and legs and putting me on the floor, to then Jim sitting above me and pushing my head against the wood floor.

"What the fuck are you doing!?" I yelled.

"Shhh," said Joshua, "no need to yell, we just wanted to be sure that you consider our proposition. It's Friday night, and you are home alone, what do you said if we have a party, here."

"No way!" I said while I struggled to get up, but Jim was holding me tight.

"I knew you said that, the golden boy wouldn't do something fun even if his life depend on it. Martin, go and grab that potato, I have an idea..."

Minutes later, I was with a potato inside my mouth and smelling Jim's farts while Martin and Joshua look for something to tied me up.

I wouldn't know how to describe the taste of a raw potato, but believe me, it isn't good.


"Hey! You had your chance, now shut it unless you want a hanging wedgie, I need some practice on those and you are looking like the perfect candidate."

I didn't try to say another word after that, hoping he would follow his part of the deal.

Martin and Joshua came up shortly after, laughing like two idiots and having their hands full with small packages.

Oh no...please don't be...

"Tighty withies Simon? Still? You have more than a store under your bed, what do you do with them?"

My grandma always brought me a package when she came to visit, even when I told her that I have enough for three life times, she kept bringing a small package with three new and fresh tighty withies on her purse.

I had so many that I started to store them under the bed and some in boxes under the basement.

"It's must be a fetish or something." Said Martin.

"I knew the smart ones are the worst."

"Let's check that theory" Joshua said throwing at him a package catching it on the air.

"Let's put them on and check if he gets hard."

"First we have to tied him up genius"

"Duh, why do you think we bring all these?" Joshua said pointing all the packages with his eyes."We'll use them to do that smart ass , now hold him tight, Martin help me to take off this dorky clothes." He said putting the small mountains of briefs in his hand on the floor and start pulling out my shoes, to then do the same with my vest, shirt and pants.

"GGGOPPIR" I yelled hoping they would listen to me and stopped, but in just a few minutes I was feeling the cold floor on my naked skin, wearing only...you guess it, a pair of tighty withies.

Jim slapped me in the ass, feeling my cheeks burning with each one until he stop, sensing how they now started to throb.

"Grab a chair, so he can be confortable to watch the show. Do you like little wacko?" Joshua said while seeing me struggling against Jim who kept pushing me against the floor.

Martin brought a chair and Jim started to drag me and force me to sit on it, holding my hands together against my back.

"C'mon guys, I'm getting tired of holding this worm."

"Chill, we almost there." Said Joshua opening one package after another alongside Martin, throwing white briefs on the floor to then start to tied me up to the chair, tearing some of the underwear so it can be used more like a rope, and stretching the rest of it until it was wide enough to their purpose.

"Put some on his mouth,"

"Spit it Simon, unless you want to have a potato instead of fresh underwear in your mouth,"

The potato was already soggy and tasted like vomit so they didn't have to tell me that twice, but I couldn't enjoy it even for a second as Martin was already shoving a pair of briefs into my mouth, tasting the fresh cotton with still some small potato traces in my tongue, feeling instantly after that how Jim covered my face and mouth with more briefs creating some kind of  mask, leaving just one eye uncovered.

"Ha-ha he looks like a mummy"

Jim and Joshua laugh while the last took some photos with their phone.

"You don't see this everyday"

"C'mon mummy try to get up" Jim said poking me with his foot.

I tried, against my will, to move or escape from the brief web that these assholes put me into, but they had done a very good job for once.

"Mmmmphh!" I muffled.

"Look the mummy is trying to speak"

"Louder mummy, louder!" Said Joshua still pointing me with his phone.

They tease me for a little while until Martin.

"C'mom, we have to do our little experiment, and find a place to put him before the party starts,"

What party?


End of Part I

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