~You Are My Sight~

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Hisoka was fighting the next fighter with ease smiling as always and will make sure he makes a show out of everything and anything that comes his way. Hisoka was a man of many talents.

This will be his ability to draw people close without them going towards him willingly, but his ability Bungee Gum, which he loves to explain the properties of, can make mostly everything possible in his favor.

Then there was his texture surprise he showed you it one day when he used it to cover his wounds or to your surprise his light freckles on his face mainly where he paints his star and teardrop and the bridge of his nose. It was cute.

How do you know the man? Well, it is because you both loved to fight. You were the only person Hisoka let live because you gave him a decent fight and on rare occasions Hisoka thought he would lose. And you maybe had a big crush on him.

You made it very clear that given the opportunity you both would end up killing each other. And was that such a bad thing~. Right now, you were watching by the entry way as Hisoka dodges the next wave of attacks with ease and you smirk.

However, there was one thing you did not know about Hisoka and he never told you either you would soon find out his secret.


Hisoka lands a full powered Nen induced punched to the fighter’s face sending the guy to the floor and the man was now close to losing. Hisoka purposely let the man gain a three-point lead before swiftly gaining the lead again and close to winning.

That is until the man grumbles and stood up glaring at Hisoka, before reciting a move that you did not care to pay attention to, but the beam of bright light was sent towards Hisoka. In your opinion, sure it would have made you avoid the attack but why did not Hisoka move and why did he cover his eyes.

As the matter of fact, he looked as if he was in pain from it. Your eyes narrowed watching this and saw the man land a solid punch to his face sending him across and landing on the floor the ref called out a clean hit and critical hit earning that stupid fighter a total of six points.

Hisoka stood his amber eyes seem to darken in annoyance before he used his Bungee Gum to draw the man closer stretching his arms back and when the guy was close enough Hisoka punched his in the face sending him in the air before he jumps high into the air and threw a handful of nen induced cards at him killing him in an instant.

Everyone cheers Hisoka's name as he walked away as the announcer stated he won and how many battles he needed to be the next floor master.

When he was close to you, he looks down at you smiling smug. "You enjoyed the show Doll" he pets your head, and you growl playfully and shove his hand away punching his arm lightly. "Shut up it was dramatic as always but Hisoka.?"

"Hmm?" He asked as they walked towards the elevator.

"Um why did you look as if you were in pain when that guy did that stupid beam of light move to you? You could have easily dodge it." You stated frowning a bit.

Hisoka sighs closing his eyes tiredly he really did not want to say anything to her not to mention what would she think if she found out....


"Hisoka come get your dinner" a woman called softly as she stirred the chicken soup she made for the family. She also had a present for Hisoka's Birthday coming up but since it was three days away, she decided she wanted to give it to him now.

"Yeah, Mom I'm coming!" He grumbles. A shorter 11-year-old boy with short red hair and piercing amber eyes came over walking over or around objects purposely placed in the way by his mother. He looks up at his mother giving her a smug look.

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