🔹️🍼Daddy Duties🍼🔹️

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A/n: Don't think negative guys its innocent... 😌♥️

Hisoka being a good father in his own way. Reader is female and the baby's name is Mia. relationship is established.

Keywords: e/c, h/c = eye color & hair color, h/l = hair length

You obviously knew when to wake up because you had a human alarm clock that was your child, Mia, opening your eyes you checked the time


"Ugh." You thought as you was about to get up when you heard your husband say he got it sitting up.

Your frowned because he came back an hour ago looking as though he got hit by a truck but simply said he had a mission with Illumi that went well but there were bumps on the road. You happily washed his hair which he smiles when you do. However it didn't go unnoticed that he hadn't been sleeping properly.

"Love are you sure?" "Mhm~ just rest~♧"

You sighed turning to your side immediately you fell back asleep.

Hisoka made his way out the bedroom and towards the crying machine in the next room he questioned why you named the babies room Bungee Room but it answered his question when his baby had alot of pink.

He walked over to his adorable (e/c) eyed baby girl picking her up and holding her. "Aww whats wrong my cute little cupcake tell daddy~♤" he cooed to his little baby girl smiling more once Mia opened her eyes and looked up at him immediately smiling and reaching for his red locks grabbing it and pulling immediately.

"Your lucky i tolerate pain cupcake~♤" he noticed his daughter calmed down and wondered why she cried to begin with....unless they wanted to have attention.. "hmm you certainly didn't get that from me~♤" he chuckles placing his baby girl down after pulling their tiny hands from gripping his hair to death.

"Hmm you got your strength from me though such a good girl~ unfortunately mommy says i can't fight you just because you have both of our strengths combine but its okay I'll watch you grow strong and maybe you can have your own floor at Heaven Arena~♡"

That thought alone made him grin darkly thinking about all the destruction and trouble they can cause such a nice way to bond with your daughter...hmm well (y/n) may not approve but still he can give it a shot right.

He changed her diaper trying not to cringe to hard but he cleaned her up throughly and made her good as new, changing her shirt purposely to "daddies girl" but in the back it said "mommy's pain" it made him chuckle walking out towards the kitchen and setting her down again.

He looked through the cabinets and found the applesauce narrowing his eyes before looking in the fridge and found cupcakes milk.

"Alright lets see here~♤" he opens the applesauce and out of curiosity taste it and he didn't like it making a disgusted face which made Mia laugh cutely and clap.

He proceeded to feed her which she happily obliges taking her sweet time to eat making Hisoka raise a brow. Halfway through eating she made her version of a mad face and shakes her head no since she was done.

"Aww please cupcake mommy yells at me when you don't eat it all~♤" he made a small whine and Mia pouts exactly like Hisoka and taps his face.

Oh did we forget to mention she had applesauce all over her hands so now it was on his face he sighs rolling his eyes standing up straight "i suppose there is no way out of it I'll sacrifice being scolded for you but don't make it a habbit...No Mia don't touch your clothes-"

Mia ignores her father just to paint her clean shirt with applesauce hand prints this made her scoop more applesauce giggling and threw it at her father giggling when he dodge the first one but the last two hit his face and shirt.

Hisoka gave a stern look at his daughter "now cupcake that isn't nice~♡"

Mia looked at him and her eyes immediately watered she covered her face with her sticky hands and let out a wail which made hisoka jump amd immediately went to her picking her up "no no baby cheeks don't cry im sorry i promise i wont tell mommy~♤"

Mia slowly stops and looks at her father her big (e/c) doe eyes made him smile "i love you cupcakes so much now we should get cleaned up"

** Time Skip **


The kitchen was clean the Mia and Hisoka took a much needed bath and now they was both in the living room Hisoka showing her magic tricks he knew full well she don't get but she enjoys it.

He give his little one her doll and lets her hold on to it for a while since that was her favorite one. He had to wash the slob on it countless times to know it was her favorite.

Soon enough he settled down on the couch and held Mia close feeding her, her milk once she was done he placed it on the living room table and proceeded to pats her back gently until she burps three times and did one last pat before he looks at her sleepy face.

Hisoka mirrors her same tiredness looking at her smiling he held her close laying back on the couch sighing softly "I'll get up and put you to bed in five minutes~♤" he mumbles to himself to which mia babbles cutely and quietly goes to sleep.

You woke up to your alarm clock on your phone shutting it off you turned to your side and saw your bed was empty. Odd, you though to yourself and sat up to stretch before slipping out of bed you went towards Bungee Room and saw Mia wasn't in her bed "wha?"

You walked into the living room about to call out but stop seeing the most precious thing in your life. You was so happy, you went back to the bedroom and got your phone going back to the loving room. You snapped a few pictures from far and up close making sure to use Zetsu for the up close shot and smiled.

Your husband was asleep on the couch, mia was asleep on his chest her doll under you sleeping form.
(Photo Below)

You walked over again a picked up the blanket covering them both before placing a soft kiss on Hisoka's forehead and cheek a small peaceful smile on his face

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You walked over again a picked up the blanket covering them both before placing a soft kiss on Hisoka's forehead and cheek a small peaceful smile on his face.

"I love you so much.".


A/N: sooo just to let you know any future chapters that you would like a baby to be in it will only be Mia because she is adorable hehe anyhow

Vote, comment and enjoy~♡

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