Experiment Gone Wrong

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Chrollo and his assistant's Uvogin and Machi catches test subjects (Soldiers) in order to see if a serum they created can make them turn into half beasts of their choosing with the strength of 100 men, But they hired an assistant that really does not like the idea. (Akari)

This is an OC based chapter soo, its different. Enjoy my friends~♡


When they hired Akari she was excited to be part of a team of brilliant scientists especially one highly intelligent and power as Chrollo who immediately took her under his wing the moment he laid eyes on her. 

Her thesis on using certain chemicals to create serums to heal people that was sick or soldiers that suffer from ptsd. She managed to be a natural born chemist as well as biologists that focused mainly on genetics which she believed is why Chrollo wanted her on his team. 

She believed it was for her ability to know what to mix to create what was needed to help as well as her excellent knowledge on genetics for both humans and animals alike.

But soon Chrollo made her learn about gaining strength and pain tolerance as well. It was something she was not familiar with, yet it drove her to learn more about it.


She studies days on end and created the perfect serum to make someone withstand the pain they may feel. She was unaware that Chrollo used those serums and added something to them that made it more deadly then helpful. Unfortunately for Akari she did not know what she was doing. What she hopes could help others was being used as an ingredient for another chemical Chrollo had been working on....




It had been a full ten years before Chrollo let Akari know what he was up to but within those ten years he brainwashed her with his elegant words and praises to let her see that he was helping these Soldiers become stronger so they can become the best tropes to take down any army. 

"It’s to protect our home and you are helping me create a new generation of soldiers that will never be stopped. But i need your help to do it and i know the right woman for this job" is what he said looking into her slightly dull grey eyes the fire that once drove her died down slowly because she found out some people died because of these tests. But Chrollo assured her that those were willing people that signed the contract to help the cause. 

Little did she know be she will eventually find out the truth. But when exactly would that be...?


~ Present Time ~


Akari was typing away on her computer documenting each chemical component and what to mix it with. Since Chrollo informed her of what was going on she had been promoted to his right hand something that would have made her happy 10 years ago but now it was just another day.


She looks up when she heard a knock on the door. "Um come im?" She said softly. Machi walked in much to her dismay. She had a feeling Machi did not like her much finding ways to make her angry or make her shut herself in the office until she leaves. 

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