🎭Show Time🎭

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"It is the show of a life time!" Cried a man passing out flyers and pointing in the direction where the show would be taking place.

You just so happen to take one of those flyers and read it over smiling down at it you thought 'hm well this should be fun..'

Scaning through the flyer you saw the host of the show 'Hisoka Morow huh?' It didn't show his face just the silhouette of him posing the only thing in color was the ace of spade being held between the silhouettes pointer and middle finger.

This of course made you all the more curious so You followed the growing crowd of people and decided to move in a quick pace, you wanted to be in the front after all.

You easily made it pass the crowd and walked into the tent, purchased your ticket, and made your way to where the audience sat. Luckily for you there were two empty seats in the very front so you rushed over and took your seat.

You took a moment to admire your surroundings, it was shockingly clean and everything looked mysterious. You can feel the excitement bubbling up.

Only a few minutes later everyone was seated and taking a quick glance you was amazed to see just how many people was seated there even some sitting on the floor! There was no seat left except the one beside you. "Wow thats alot of people" you mumbled to yourself turning your attention back to the stage again.

The lights shut and only a baby blue light appeared on stage signaling that someone was about to talk. "Ladies and Gentlemen the Magician you all been waiting for Hisoka Morow!!" The announcer cried pointing to his side.

Everyone cheered but slowly it began to lower in volume until it ceased when no one was there. 'Huh?' You thought to yourself.

Wondering where he was. You stopped once the spot light suddenly shines on you and you heart beats rapidly questioning why it was on you. That is of course until you heard a soft chuckle you turned to your right eyes wide with surprise.

Hisoka was seating there, eyes closed with one leg crossed over the other smiling. a devilishly handsome smile at that. Everyone cheers again finally seeing the main host of the show you clap as well trying to calm your rapidly beating heart.

The lights turn dark again and then opens back on stage and there he was again with his arms open smiling at the audience now.

"Hm welcome everyone and I'm sure you will enjoy the show~♤" he had a sultry voice and you couldn't help but bite your lower lip lightly.

His Amber eyes looked sharp enough to pierce into someone's soul. And you hoped he didn't look at you because your soul wasn't in the right place at the moment.

As time pass he performed many unspeakable tricks and you could see there wasn't any trap doors or hidden items

Everything was out in the open and it pleased you to see this. moving forward in your seat out of excitement wondering what will happen next.

"And now for my last and final trick~♤" he said looking directly at you his lips tugging into a Grin like a Cheshire cat.

"I would like a volunteer~♡" the lights turned dark once again and your heart was already beating rapidly.

When it turns back on he was right in front of you "care to help me my dear~♤" you heard the crowd cheering you on but you blushed deeply taking his hand

As he held it out to you. You both walked back to the stage where there was now a human sized red box. It was big enough to fit two people. Explaining his trick he ended with they will both disappear.

Guiding you inside and closing the box everone counted down.

Hisoka looks down at you and grins "you are very beautiful dear~♡" he said leaning closer to kiss your cheek. You can feel your face flush and you look at him dumbfounded.

He covered your eyes and when he removed it you both was standing in the back where the entrance was.

When they open the box and it was empty and everyone gasped until they heard hisoka clear his throat and everyone looks back and the audience erupted into applause.

You walked down with him blushing and holding the rose he slipped into your hand earlier.

By the end of the show you was smiling wide walking out the big tent holding the rose looking at the joker card pinned to it with Hisoka's signature.

You jumped slightly when you felt a tap on your shoulder, turning around you saw the Magician and blushed "o-oh hello" he smiles down at you "hello may i ask you something~♤"

"Sure go ahead" you said shyly. "Well i was wondering if you would like to grab a drink with me i know a very exquisite area to take you~♤" you blushed suddenly.

"I would love to yes" you smiled happily seeing this was the best day ever. Linking your arm around his when he offered.

"what is your name~♧" he asked softly as they walked along the busy streets. "Oh my name is y/n"

He looks up and said you name as if testing it out and you knew you would never get tired of him saying it. He looked back down at you "i love it~♡"


A/N: i hope you liked that~

See you next time 😁👌

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