💍Will You💍

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A/N: romantic fluff ahead ☺️👌

"Lets go on a date (y/n)~♡" he smiles down at you knowing full well you couldn't say no to his irresistible charm.

"Hmm only if we can get breakfast at that Cafe we ate at last month" you said smirking knowing full well he would never say no to you.

"Very well, its a deal~♧"

**Time skip brought to you by Bungee Gum products**

You and Hisoka walked though the park it was quiet and away from prying eyes and loud people. You was enjoying the spring breeze as it seemed to kiss your face.

Hisoka stops at a very decent spot looking at the away with narrowed eyes wanting to make sure it was perfect for you. Once he deemed it good enouh he opens and lays the picnic blanket on the floor placing the basket with all your favorite foods and snacks.

You immediately sat beside him laying your head on his shoulder and was watching nature. It was cut short with your stomach growling making him chuckle softly

"Sit up love I'll feed you~♡"

You nods blushing because you was the only person Hisoka would act this way to most of the time he kept his distance and always kept things to himself but only you was able to see his human side.

He takes out a couple of snacks and wanted you to pick out which you wanted. You scaned it over and decided with the fruit salad figuring it will be a good start.

Hisoka feeds you while you layed on his lap smiling up at him. He eats a strawberry halfway before he leans down you meeting him halfway eating the opposite end and effectively kissing him in the process.

** Time Skip~ **

It was a calm sunset you both had your meal and now was comfortable in each others embrace watching the sunset slowly. "You know i know a really nice place to see a perfect view of this beauty~♡"

You being the curious type decided to follow him since you loved a good scenery especially this time of day, smiling you take his extended hand and followed him towards another area.

You was guided to a very pretty boardwalk you was surprised this was here once you reached the end the view was absolutely breath taking (see picture above)

You watched the waves and the sun coming down giving a nice glow to the water you turned to look at hisoka but gasped when he was down on one knee looking up at you giving you a genuine smile.

He is holding a black velvet box opening it and revealing a silver band with a diamond small diamonds going around the band.

"Y/n, i know we had our ups and downs but i can't remember a day that i was actually happy to be with someone until i met you...and i want to you be part of my life forever and make me a happy kil- er Magician~♡" he smiled sheepishly before finishing up "will you marry me y/n?~♧"

Your eyes widen slightly feeling a single tear roll down your cheek before you knealt down in front of him and said the words he had been dreaming to hear.


He slips the ring on your finger and pulled you in to a loving embrace and kissed you passionately pouring out what he felt in that one kiss.

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