♠️Your Hurt♠️

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Of course you should have listened to Illumi in not coming to this mission you knew you was ready but you just didn't know how to execute strategies under stressful or emotional situations.

"D-dammit" you said sadly looking down at his hand holding it tightly "this is all my fault i should have never got in the way I'm so sorry Hisoka..."

You sniffed trying not to cry you recall Hisoka wasn't a fan of you crying because he informed you it made him feel weird in his chest.

You knew why but you try to put a brave front. Luckily Illumi let you and Hisoka stay in a guest bedroom in their home because he didn't like hospitals.


Illumi told you to stay put because at the moment this mission is to much for you to handle. He said it so coldly that you glared at him and when he left you flipped him off before looking down.

You texted Hisoka thinking he will let you stay with him since well.... you blushed lightly..

Um love can i come over Illumi said i can't go with him on the mission -_-

Aww thats to bad love i am going with him to said mission as well~♡

Aw come on i am storng enough you trained me after all. Please 🥺♥️

No~♡ you can't, I told him not to let you go. And before you spam me with unnecessary messages I don't want you hurt and I don't need a distraction. See you soon y/n be a good little berry okay~♥️

Fine okay....Love you

I Love you to ⭐^__^💧

You looked at his last message and smiled small.

It was was almost midnight when you noticed he wasn't home you stood up worried and immediately jumped out your window running towards the location where Illumi and Hisoka was.

It didn't take you long to find them because of their bloodlust but when you got there Illumi and Hisoka was fighting very strong nen users

One of them was about to strike hisoka from behind using Zetsu to hide his presence you leaped high in the air and quick took your twin blades out striking him dead instantly your blade glowing a dark purple color as you landed beside hisoka who in turn looked at you quick his eyes cold.

"Y/n! What are you-" he cuts himself off blocking an attack meant for you and because you were not paying attention by the time you reacted it was to late, one of the stronger nen users which looked to be the target since Illumi was now running towards you and Hisoka quickly.

He thrust his dagger into him in a quick repeated motion making Hisoka grunt unable to use his Bungee Gum in time to block it since he was covering you.

You cried out his name quickly before thrusting your twin blades towards the man impaling him in the stomach making him cough up blood but he was laughing low before he could say anything Illumi threw his needles into the mans face making him grunts and contort in pain before he fell on the floor dead.

"I told you not to come y/n what was you thinking.." Illumi said unamused by this situation because it was sloppy work and he like to do things sufficiently.

You looked away shaking. You were about to say sorry you heard a grunt then the sound of someone collapsing on the ground your turned around seeing Hisoka on the floor holding his stomach his eyes closed panting low.

Illumi walked over knealing "it looks like that mans nen is poisonous and you let him stab Hisoka multiple times...we have to bring him back to my home we have the remedy for this but we have to be quick so make yourself useful and help me.." he stated coldly staring at you with his souless eyes.

You nod trying not to cry picking up Hisoka although you was shorter than Hisoka, He and Illumi admired the amount of strength you have. You followed the assassin through the woods and up the hill.

Once you reach there, you placed Hisoka down, he kneals down on the ground and he retched in the grass holding his wound tightly. You stood attentively at his side worried.

"Take him to the guest room by the corner hurry up" he stated walking away.

Finally, Illumi managed to find and make the remedy for the poison his 'friend' had in his blood stream, walking over to Him and you and making him drink it.

You was amazed to see how fast acting it was since Hisoka seem to be in a calm slumber state. This gave you enough time to clean his wounds and bandaged it up.

"Don't get your hopes up either his body accepts this cure or it doesn't because of how long the poison was in his system so it will all depend on if he wakes to see another day...good bye..." he stated in a monotone voice before leaving the room.

You held his hand and silently begged him to pull through.

** Present time **

You let a few tears down having his hand close to your face wanting to be close to him.

"....I told you not to cry it makes me feel weird~♤"

You look up to see Hisoka smiling smugly at you but nonetheless better then he looked last night you grin and immediately hug him tight saying how much you was sorry and you won't disobey him again.

He pats your head and held you close sighing softly he already forgave you but he was glad you will listen now.

"I'm okay love and I already forgave you~♡"

He placed a gentle kiss on your lips before letting you relax on his shoulders.

You immediately fell asleep in his arms knowing he was okay and that made you happy.

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