A Climbing Expedition

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You stared down at the top of the mountain. Okay maybe you were over exaggerating a bit because you were at the halfway point, but it was still high and so was your blood pressure from how anxious you were at this presented time. You looked up at the man above you looking handsome and confident in his element looking up towards their next point.

“you ready Y/N?” he asked smoothly as he held his hand out looking at you smiling. It was because of that mans smile that cause you to fall for him in the first place, what made you ignore your main fear……Heights… yes, you were afraid of heights and you were to absorbed in the moment that you agreed to go with him without telling him the truth because you wanted to look good.

Huh maybe we should start from how you got in this predicament.

It started walking into your job in a café shop you oversaw most of the things done there so you were content in this job and your boss, Kurapika, was kind to you because you worked hard even on days you supposed to be off you just came in because you were a workaholic.

You and your friend Michael were watching a video and trying to copy the design and see who done it better some customers who ordered already was seated and reading or typing away on their laptops and some teens in the corner talking quietly but hearing a few giggles here and there. The bell at the front door rang and you look up and Michael as well seeing a few other customers come in.

“hello welcome to Dimond Café how can I help you?” you asked softly smiling brightly and watched the woman choose. You saw another customer walk in and sat by the window opening his laptop and started to search something.

“hey Michael, may you take them while I check on the one that is seated” you asked, and he nods smiling lightly taking your place and passing you the notepad and you walked towards him smiling lightly.

you were surprised to see that this man had red hair and it was natural his hands where well defined and typing smoothly without looking at the keys because you were still trying to learn that. Being you was such a curious person you noticed him writing a blog about his latest event you could not read it since he typed but kept scrolling through his files for certain pictures.

However, he stopped typing soon enough. since you were standing to the side of his you did not really get a good chance to see his face, seemed to notice someone standing there and looked up finally.  You were not ready to see such a handsome man and his eyes looked like it can pierce your soul, amber and almost fox like orbs stared up at you.

His eyes crinkled slightly when he smiles but he was covering it with his hands since it was crossed in front of him. You took notice his nails were long and sharp, and you wondered how the hell he can function with them but seeing as even that was perfect you can tell he is fine.

“Did you know that we are consider waiters as well because we are waiting for our order to be served?” he said softly raising a perfect thin brow. You realized what he meant blushing deeply seeing as you was staring at him like an idiot “o-oh I’m so sorry sir may I have your o-order please.”

He chuckles lightly and at your flushed face and then promptly responds with “what do you recommend Y/N?” you was shocked to see he knew your name and then he points to your name tag and you blushed again laughing nervously. “uh well we have three popular combinations here”

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