♥️Rapture of love♥️

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A/n: based on a song by Anita Baker called 'Caught up in the rapture' although the lyrics will be switched here for the plot heh enjoy~ Hisoka x Fem Reader


"Why did i have to go it seems pointless" Illumi deadpanned frowning at Chrollo and Machi.

They both smile in return "because the more the merrier" Chrollo said smiling lightly. Machi shrugs "just act like its a break or something do you know what a break is?" She said sarcastically.

Illumi looks at her "I'm not clueless i know what it means...and i don't need friends" he said looking away he would never admit he had that one person that could get under his skin but still manage to be useful for mission.

Yes he was referring to Hisoka Morow the one he currently texted to join him because Chrollo was there and Machi. And sure enough he agreed to go simply because he wanted to ask chrollo to fight him once again And to bother Machi of course.

By now Illumi was on his fifth class of bourbon along with machi and chrollo who seem to be relaxed. As if on cue, Hisoka made his way towards the bar hands in his pockets. He had his signature smirk. Machi looked over and waved at him of course rolling her eyes afterwards.

(Pic below)

"Well since your here I assume Illumi called you huh?" She frowns just a bit at Hisoka who shrugs

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"Well since your here I assume Illumi called you huh?" She frowns just a bit at Hisoka who shrugs.

"And if he did or didn't it doesn't matter I'm here and I plan on staying, to bad~♤" he grins when she scowls at him but left it alone looking over at the stage.

Chrollo knew y/n and invited Illumi and Machi to hear her sing but with Hisoka being there maybe it will be more interesting to see his reaction since he had a feeling Illumi will still well...be him.

"Danchō when can we fight again~♤" he grins leaning in his personal space but Chrollo just waved him off "why not enjoy something else besides fighting for the moment. Besides, we are about to hear the clubs favorite singer." He said closing his book and smiling small towards the stage.

Hisoka pouts but takes his seat beside Illumi which was slightly closer to the stage looking over as well.

The stage turns black and only a single stage light beams towards the middle as music began to play Machi looks over smiling small since she knew this song.

When the woman came out to sing her voice was pleasing to the ears. When she does her soft start she begins to sing the song that was Requested.

Hisoka eyes widen slightly watching her 'she is beautiful' he thought to himself while listening to her.

You looked over feeling someone's eyes on you. Although everyone was paying attention you felt the urge to look at the one towards the bar.

He was wearing a casual outfit but looked very handsome his red hair was vibrant with a star and tear on his cheek it somehow suited him and he had no shame looking at you with amusement and something else in his gaze.

You felt butterflies in your stomach just looking at him you started to sing the next line of the song

"When we met, I always knew I would feel the magic for you, On my mind constantly In my arms is where you should be~"

As you sang you looked directly at him and since your had a wireless mic it made it easy to move you walked off the stage singing moving around tables expertly gliding up and down threw club.

"Caught up in the rapture of love
Nothing else can compare When I feel the magic of you"

You stood in the middle of the Club's dance floor singing your heart out before you decided to make your way towards the bar winking at Chrollo because you was happy to see a familiar face and friend.

You reached the golden eyed man smiling and gazing adoringly at him singing the next line placing her hand on his chest gently.

"Light my life, warm my heart
Say tonight will be just a start~
I love you here by me, baby
You let my love fly free
I want you in my life for all time"

You sang this part looking directly at him you noticed a very faint blush staining his cheeks, feeling his heart beat slightly quicker which surprised you slightly but you kept the singing going.

Chrollo noticed the change in Hisoka's behavior immediately once the song started knowing full well he was actually falling in love with how innocent y/n was and that fact alone let him realize that even Hisoka was capable of falling in love.

Hisoka watched you eyes narrowed slightly a small smile on his face. He felt his heart beat faster. 'Hm? Why am i feeling like this?' He thought to himself he felt drawn to her somehow and he wanted nothing more then to make her his.

You was closing the song twirling around and leaned on his chest looking up at him smiling using your free hand to hold his.

"Caught up in the rapture of love
Nothing else can compare
When I feel the magic of you
The feeling's always new
Caught up in the rapture of you"

That did it for Hisoka, his eyes widen slightly seeing her close to him. When he was sure you truely finished and judging from the soft cheers and claps he leans down placing a gentle kiss on your cheek.

He whispered softly in your ear "my name is Hisoka" to which you smiled blushing lightly "I'm y/n, its a pleasure to meet you" you said politely your voice calm and collected. You looked at the time and saw it was late.

Of course this did not go unnoticed by the Magician who immediately asked if he may walk to home stating he will protect you with his life and shockingly enough he would.

He never felt this feeling but he knew the more time he spent with you he will find out and come to accept it.

He paid for his drink and Illumi's before waving at them placing his jacket around you as you both left the club.

Chrollo whistles "I didn't think he had it in him" he chuckle low amused by this situation. Machi was shocked throughout the whole thing and Illumi was bored at this point but otherwise not surprised Hisoka would immediately take a liking to y/n she was very charming and unique in her own way.

"Well I'll be going I have definitely seen enough for today." With that he left as well leaving chrollo and a still surprised machi inside the club.


You was giggling as you both walked down the street towards your home his jacket kept you warm from the slight chill of the air.

"You have a very beautiful voice y/n~♡" he stated looking down at you. "Thank you Hisoka." You beamed your best smile towards him.

"Why me?~♤" he questioned. You looked down thinking for a moment "it's hard to explain but...out of everyone staring at me I felt you more and well I don't know what i felt but maybe I was drawn to you who know" you said calmly.

It surprised him just as much as you when you said that and he nods smiling more taking your hand in his "hmm I suppose we felt the same thing at the same time~♡"

You nod in agreement and look up towards the night sky with him smiling and squeezing his hand lightly.

I love you here by me, baby
You let my love fly free
I want you in my life for all time

Caught up in the rapture of love


A/N: sooo I hope you liked this i enjoyed writing this one.

Also thanks for the votes it means alot  and Request are always open so whenever you wish you can dm or comment and I'll write it.

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