♥️He has a soft side♥️

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A/n: our four best boys is here guys they are the readers friends and you will find out what happens when you read it~


The heaven Arena was filled with so may people but you was excited to see everyone came for this fight.

It was a very strong nen user vs. Hisoka the new floor master after recently defeating one.

You was in the front seat and you saw a familiar green hair boy and white haired boy and smiled wide "heyyy over here!" You shouted loudly and Gon and Killua smiled and rushed over dragging along Leorio, Kurapika, Zushi and his master wing.

They all sat down greeting you excitedly saying how much they missed you

"Hey y/n i heard you have someone special in your life. Hah! Didn't know you had it in you" Leorio teased which made you blush lightly and glare at him.

Kurapika smiles softly and shrugs. Gon and Killua both shouted Whaaaa!? You just laughed at them.

When they heard you was coming to heaven Arena they wanted to meet up with you and they asked why you came you simply told them,

"I heard a strong nen user and Hisoka were going to fight and i wanted to see it" saying happily. Gon wanted to go and Killua as well since they wanted to see you as well as see this fight.

~Time skip~

When the fight began everyone was at the edge of their seats watching shocked as the fight proceeded.

The Nen user, Mike, was a conjurer and he managed to base his weapon on thorns saying he always fascinated by the thorns of a rose pretty but deadly.

He catches hisoka by his leg yelling a battle cry as he swung him in the air and tossed him with full force.

Hisoka was sent flying through the air and crashing into the wall which everyone screams / cheers. You was slightly worried but when you felt Hisoka's bloodlust you knew not to worry anymore this kind of thing excits him anyways although it still bothers you.

"Wow this guy caught hisoka off guard!" Gon shouted

Killua shrugs "not really hisoka looked like he let it happen he isn't taking the fight seriously idiot" he looks at Gon smugly when Gon pouts and looks back at where hisoka got thrown.

The Magician got up walking towards the stage he looked at the points and saw he was behind by three points and he smiles

"I'll play serious now~♤" hisoka said smugly seeing it pissed mike off as he went to attack again

This time Hisoka's eyes narrowed dodging each attack in rapid motion. Mike being unable to catch him stops panting slightly but glaring at Hisoka.

"Mmm you should have paid attention~♤" Hisoka said as he raised his finger wiggling it before beckoning him over.

"What the!?" Mike quickly used Gyo when he felt a pull on his chest seeing a pink gum like glow attached to his chest. He was moving towards him by force and when he was close enough Hisoka's fist was in his line of sight as he got punched directly in the face before he swiftly kicked him in the stomach sending him off the ring crashing into the wall.

You cheered along with the crowd your small group cheering to. "Whoaaaaaa" Gon said excited killua laughs low along with Leorio, Kurapika was amused but annoyed that hisoka never got to the point.

♧ Time Skip ♧

By the end of the fight Hisoka won and Mike...well he had a deck of cards planted all over him. Yes he died.

Everyone was talking with you and you talked about your mission and even about the moment you and Kurapika got to work together in your last one.

You didn't tell them who your boyfriend was because they...well may not believe you or better yet Leorio who was like a brother to you and Kurapika you can tell they wouldn't approve not that it mattered but still.

However, you forgot that about worry the moment you saw Hisoka walking towards you. Leorio and Gon jumps slightly when you shouted Hisoka loudly and ran towards him.

Everyone was shocked to see how genuinely happy he looked opening his arms and catching you when you jumped towards him kissing him lovingly on the lips.

Gon and Killua was blushing lightly but then looked away saying ew~.

"WHAT!? You like HIM!?" Leorio shouted and stomped over. Hisoka pulled away from the kiss and looks at him rather coldly even though he was smirking.

"Of course she does~ whats not to like~♧" he stated grinning still holding you in his arms.

You blushed deeply hitting his chest lightly and playfully. "i uh....guess we have alot more to talk about" you said sheepishly.

Everyone including Hisoka walked out of heavens Arena towards town to grab a bite to eat after exposing everything to them they all just threatened Hisoka that he better not hurt you. Of course he nods smirking.

You held Hisoka's hand smiling brightly glad you told them about it and now you can hold his hand without worries.

"I'm proud of you Hisoka"

"I'm proud of you to love you finally told them~♡" he smiles down at you. You blushed but nod.

Yes best decision ever.


A/n: okay guys those our my two chapters i hope you enjoyed them feel free to drop a Request i won't mind~


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