🍷Blind Date🍷

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A/n: you didn't see that coming


You sat down at the booth in the corner of a very exquisite restaurant fiddling with your thumbs because you was nervous about who was going to show up.

"Why did i ever agree to do this" you groaned and bit your bottom lip lightly.

** Flashback time **

"But i hate blind dates what if it is some ugly old person or worse! A gold digger." You exclaimed.

Machi frowns at you "listen y/n you have been feeling lonely and my goodness its showing so please just go on it besides its at a fancy get up so they wont just let anyone in their you know" machi complains.

"Ughhhhhh fine whatever" you sighed annoyed but Machi was like a sister to you and she just wanted you to be happy.

She passed you a bag that had a f/c outfit inside which made you have a faint blush "thanks"

** End of Flashback **

You heard the mans voice and you bit your bottom lip harder 'oh he sounds handsome i hope he looks the part' you thought to yourself.

Your heartbeats faster with every step that comes closer until final you meet the man that matched the voice "hm you must be y/n it is a pleasure to meet you~♤"

Your eyes widen slightly 'Hisoka Morow is my blind date the one from Heavens Arena how the hell did i get so lucky' you thought to yourself not noticing you was staring alittle to hard at him.

"You like what you see~♡" he said winking at you makimg you snap out of your daze looking away blushing faintly.

"Sorry i just didn't think it will be you" you said softly looking down. Hisoka chuckles looking at you "well i certainly hope we can get to know each other~♡"

'I plan on it' you thought to yourself and smiled at him "sure i would like that Hisoka" you said happily.

** Short Time Skip **

You and Hisoka was eatting and you both had a good time laughing and talking about what you both do of course you didnt fully believe Hisoka only fights in heavens Arena but you didn't mind because you wasn't only a Crime Hunter you do other things to earn a living.

"I wish this night wouldn't end" you said softly content with everything that transpired today. Smiling at Hisoka alittle flushed from drinking a little more wine then you both should not that it mattered.

Hisoka grins "of course it won't i have to take you home after all~♤" he chuckles and stood up showing you his hand which you took blushing deeply as some people looked over and whispered.

It all stopped once Hisoka lets his bloodlust go a little which made them shut up immediately going back to what they was doing.

"Y/n? Would you like to walk back home or drive?~♡" Hisoka asked once you both exited the restuarant. You stopped and saw it was a beautiful night and the breeze was amazing. Not to mention walking will extend your time with Him.

"Lets walks." You stated smiling brightly he nods walking beside you.
As you guys walked you asked if you can have a front role seat in seeing him fight it made him smile smug agreeing to take you there to let you see up close to which you took his hand and your walking beside him.

You realized all to soon you was nearing your home which made you sigh quietly, which didn't go unnoticed by Hisoka.

"Well... we're here. Thanks again for the night Hisoka i had a great time." You smiled at him satisfied.

He walked closer to you "you know y/n this doesn't have to be our last time, i would like to go out with you again sometime~♡"

You felt the heat on your cheeks when he asked this. You said yes and laugh low when he smiles more.

"I know this is our first date but i never was one to follow traditions~♤" you was about to question what he meant by that until you felt his lips on yours making your eyes widen before closing returning the kiss.

He pulled away moments after licking his lips "have a good night y/n pleasant dreams~♧" he turns and walked away

You watched him go until you couldn't see him before slipping inside your house and fist pump running over to the couch you jumped on it texting Machi that you will be buyimg her coffee for the next week saying your blind date went well.

You felt something in your pocket and pulled out a joker card. However, when you flipped it over it had Hisoka's name and number on it.

You was nervous at first but then you got the courage and pinched in his number amd texted him again. You figured he wouldn't answer.

Your phone vibrated so you assumed it was Machi until you saw it was Hisoka:

Thank you for the good time
Sent - 12:30AM
Read at ~ 12:32Am

Oh your very welcome y/n But its late and i want you to rest so goodnight~
Sent~ 12:35Am

You smiled more and sighed dreamily before placing your phone done and getting ready to turn in for the night.

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