Meeting Your Parents

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You read the letter over and over and the only thing you was focused on was their last part of that letter...

"So y/n I'm so happy to hear you have a special someone and we would love to meet them after all we want to see what they look like and if they are suitable for our smart hunter"

You paled hearing this wondering how they found out to begin with but quickly read for the sixth time

"We are home already so stop by but please try and invite your boyfriend"

You coukd tell your mother was trying to hide the fact that your father is very stern and well can be overprotective. You let a soft sigh escape your lips.

"I should tell him now..." you bit your bottom lip before taking out your phone and quickly typing and sending off a message to your love.

Hisoo my parents want to meet you as soon as possible.

Parents? They are in town? I thought you said they wouldn't be home for another month? ⭐️-__-💧

You knew that's what your parents told you but they were like that anyhow. Say one thing but mean another you sighed again and went back to responding to him.

I know love but please can you come with me to see them at least.

But y/n you know how much I despise talking for unnecessary amounts of time, not to mention I'm not in the mood to meet them.

Hey stop being a grumpy jester 😠

....okay fine but I'll just meet you there okay.

Thank you hisoka, this means alot to me and well you can get it out the way just please....behave yourself.

You act as though i will misbehave~ well i have to go now bye bye my love~♡

You smiled and went to pack some clothes knowing full well they will force you to spend a night there so you packed at least an extra pair of boxers, night clothing and day clothing for hisoka in your suitcase as well clipping it shut and leaning against your door.

"I really hope he doesn't screw this up" you winced at the thoughts that ran through your head hoping none will come true.

It was the next day you went and knocked on your parents door smiling softly you did miss them.

You heard your mother call out she was coming before opening up and squeals happy pulling you into a tight hug

"I missed you so much darling y/n come in we are just sitting in the living room the food is cooking nicely and should be ready in about an hour or so I put it on low flame so it can be ready in time for you and.... oh! Where is your boyfriend?"

Your mother stopped rambling on the moment she noticed he wasn't there. You shrug laughing low and slightly nervous. "He will be here soon mom uhh let me say hi to dad and then I'll unpack to at least stay over tonight okay"

You nod and your mother follows agreeing and pointing towards the living room again where you saw your father eating a sandwich and he waves at you smiling.

"Hey y/n come and give your old man a hug. Where's that boyfriend of yours I want to meet him" you once again told him the same thing you told your mother and he nods.

You head upstairs and placed your bag on the chair by your old desk sighing softly you checked your phone for anything before threatening hisoka that he better be there to which he responds he will.

𝐻𝑖𝑠𝑜𝑘𝑎 𝑥 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑂𝑛𝑒𝑆ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑠Where stories live. Discover now