I'm So Sorry..

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Req: Get a get a cheating hisoka🥲 like he's caught cheating in action like..deep stro- you get the point.

Warnings: Blood, Murder, mention of smut if you squint.


You and Hisoka were going through a very rough patch in your relationship it was something you both were not aware affected you this much.

It was your decision to ask for some space which Hisoka agreed to do after a moment of pause. "Of course Y/n~" they would say looking down at you.

It worked wonders for you because you got your head back together started texting each other again and wanted to meet him at his place.

So on the way, you bought a bottle of your and Hisoka's favorite wine and some simple sweets to go with it. You didn't text Hisoka you were coming wanting it to be a surprise.
When you enter his home it was oddly quiet except for one noise that you wish wasn't true. You knew you asked for space but that wasn't what you had in mind when asking for it.

You didn't realize your new weapon appeared in your hand as you walked closer to the cracked door. Hearing that woman moan loudly with lust and need for more. Hisoka was silent you found it amusing really because he was never silent with you but you were angrier that he was doing this to you, to their relationship.

As you opened the door he paused suddenly feeling you immediately his thrusting motion stopped but still was inside this distasteful woman on their bed. "Why did you stop" was the only thing she could muster up before there was a blade impaled in her head  you turned and rushed out of the room hot tears coming down your face sniffing taking the wine bottle and chucking it across the room a loud crash.

Knowing Hisoka he was probably turned on by the fact you did something like that but you didn't care. Feeling a grip on your arm Hisoka managed to put some boxers on and a tank top "y/n" 

"save it....leave me alone" you mumbled shoving him away.

"You asked for space and I gave you that, it was only a one-night stand I don't like her or-" he felt a stinging sensation on his face from the slap you gave him.

"I don't want to hear your excuses... I don't want to see you ever again" you said crying now

Hisoka's eyes widen slightly grabbing you once more "don't be that way, I'm sorry y/n i really am I promise I'll make it up to you please don't leave like this.."

You never thought you hear such a man like Hisoka sound like this or even beg. But your heart was broken and he needed to feel what you felt.

"I.....i don't know if I can forgive you right now so leave me alone" with that you rushed off crying silently leaving the arena and entering your car crying softly.

Hisoka stood in his room looking at the door. He felt his chest ache, Something he wasn't used to and he rubbed his chest now sighing sadly.

"...I'm so sorry..." 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2023 ⏰

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