♣️Never have I Ever♣️

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A/n: The boys will be 17 but still a baby hehe and leorio is 21 and Kurapika well im making him the same age *sticks tongue out*


The whole gang was there Leorio, Kurapika, Gon, Killua, and maybe we forced Illumi to come as well. Simply because he was taking us home if we was to drunk.

Of course Gon complained about not being able to drink and Killua said that it was okay because they can remember what happen and use it as blackmail sporting his cat like expression with a thumbs up making Gon grin and nod.

You sat at the end. You didn't want to say it but Kurapika was the only person who knew you had a crush on someone that everyone else found annoying well except Gon apparently he just wanted to get stronger to fight him again.

"Alright how about a game?" shouted Leorio to let us hear through the clubs loud music Illumi expression remained cold and well.....his stare was still creepy. You were happy you was on his good side.

"I decline.." he stated immediately making you snicker but you said sure with a thumbs up.

Kurapika agrees and the boys as well but they will stick to soda or juice. "Alright we are playing never have i ever, im sure everyone knows how the game goes so if you did you have to take a shot got it if you get 10 shots you lost"

Kurapika smiles small but nods and the boys agree as well. Gon chirps up exactly "oh i got one! how about never have i ever belched the alphabets" he chuckles.

Everyone laughs, excluding Illumi, when Leorio grumbles and takes a shot and Killua drinks a sip of his soda as well pouting" Gon laughs.

Leorio thinks for a moment then stated "okay well never have i ever ate cat or dog food" leorio barks a laugh when gon blushes amd sips his soda. Killua laughs at him "ew why" he complains laughing.

"Well i wanted to see why dogs love thoughs dog treats shut up killuaaaa" he pouts.

You laugh and though for a moment "Alright never have i ever had a broken bone" everyone drank something Illumi looks at you then away and you knew thats his own special way of saying yes. Aw he is paying attention. You thought to yourself.

Kurapika was about to say something then stop smirking internally when his phone chimed he made a small groan to play it off then raised his hand.

You noticed this and wondered why but then your heart started to beat faster when Gon and Killua paused looking alarmed and then calmed down visibly since Kurapika said it was fine.

Hisoka leans right behind you on the booth you all was at and grins. "Hmm someone told me you all was here i decided to pay a visit~♤"

If the ground could swallow you right now it will make you feel better about the situation. "Have a seat we are playing never have i ever if you did it you have to take a shot"

He hums and nods "okay~♡"
Your heart seemed to stop when you noticed he wore no makeup and his hair was down. 'Oh my goodness he's hot why does this world hate so' you thought to yourself giving a polite smile when out of the places to sit he decided tonsit beside you and he smelled amazing.

You tensed slightly but try to relax you heard Kurapika give a small cough to cover up his laughter and you glared at him. "Anyways never have i ever went skinny dipping" you smirked and you notice Gon and killua glare at hisoka who in returned chuckled low.

"Hey Hisoka you better take a shot" of course he reaches over and took one licking his lips, you was staring but looked away quickly. It didn't go unnoticed by Leorio who seemed to catch on really quickly and use this for later.

Killua piped up "oh never have i ever broken the law" Illumi looks at you then away again. You glared taking a shot and Hisoka again to a shot and Kurapika who everyone wondered what he did but stayed quiet.

"Hmm never have i ever....visited a party just to hookup~♧" he grins

Killua and Gon smirks trying not to laugh when you,Leorio and Kurapika took a drink blushing lightly.

This continued for a long time but everyone was relaxed and having fun. Leorio was three drinks away from losing Kurapika only had six hisoka had eight gon and killua had five as well. And lastly you had eight as well.

Leorio pulled the trump card after texting killua to say this next one saying he will buy him chocolate later.

Killua grins "okay never have i ever liked Leorio" everyone was silent and killua and Gon laugh loudly "no one likes you haha"

Leorio glaring at Killua because thats not what he sent him "why you little brat I'm liked by alot of people in a romantic way to!!"

"No your not hahah"

"I-i well never have i ever had a crush on uh-" he looks at Kurapika then Illumi then Hisoka who was looking at his nails idly.

"Never have I ever had a crush on Hisoka! Yeah how about that" Leorio shouts everyone went quiet but then Gons eyes widen when he saw you blush darkly slowly reaching for a shot giving no one a look just taking it quickly and looking everywhere but them.

Of course Hisoka eyes widen slightly and his smile grew some. "Y/n! You have a crush on the clown" he cried out shocked.

You blushed more looking at Leorio
"I prefer to be called a Magician~◇" Hisoka said in a sultry voice making you look down at your lap. "Yes he's hot shut up don't Judge me" you pout looking down still face red.

"Wow well i mean.....looks like the cats out the bag" the medical student started Kurapika snorts and laughs low. "Well it is now but at least you can see he is grinning at you y/n so you might as well look at him" he stated, his drunk state made his mouth loose.

You shrugged internally seeing there was no way of escaping it you looked up just in time to see Hisoka looking down at you smiling he placed his finger under your chin and kissed you lightly on the lips.

Kurapika snaps a picture in order to rub it in your face later including killua before he said really loudly "Groosss get a room you guys Gon is still younger then he looks" "HEY Killua thats not true" they were both head to head growling.

You was to preoccupied with the kiss to care. You finally pulled away smiling playfully up at him.

"Never have i ever entered your home" you said giggling as his golden eyes seem to glow.

"I suppose we should change that~♡" he said grinning before getting up holding out his hand for you to take which you accepted waving goodbye to your friends leaving with Hisoka.

"I suppose that game isn't so bad after all" you said to yourself.


Until next time~♡

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