☀️Lazy Day☀️

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The sunlights beam shines through the curtains directly in your line of sight. You scrunched up your nose wincing lightly before opening one (e/c) eye looking around confused for a moment.

'Oh thats right you won a fight last night along with Hisoka...' you recalled sitting up slowly you winced slightly from soreness blushing deeply recalling another memory it was am amazing loud night indeed.

You turned your gaze to your lover beside you smiling as it was the one of the rare occasions where you woke up first getting a chance to see Hisoka asleep peacefully.

You carefully slipped out of bed tip toeing towards the bathroom and took a quick shower and did your daily routine before looking at the calendar seeing it was clear and it was Saturday so that made you all the more delighted.

You slip on a pair of (f/c) shorts grabbing one of Hisoka's shirts and putting it on closing your eyes momentarily to smell his scent.

You continued on with your surprise plan immediately cleaning up the place quickly and quietly and sufficiently of course. Afterwards you made blueberry pancakes and shaped them in stars grinning keeping window open to make sure Hisoka didn't wake up.

Of course you was silent because of Zetsu but besides that everything came out perfect setting the plates up you quickly ran back to the room seeing it was empty now and you could hear the shower running.

"Perfect" you mumbled before running over and fixing the bed nice and neat setting out comfortable clothing for him and placed a sticky note saying "♥️love you, today we will relax♥️" before quickly leaving back to the kitchen.

Finally, finishing the last set you saw the coffee was almost done brewing just in time to feel strong pair of arms wrap around your waist.

You can smell he use that Strawberry bubblegum shampoo you got him and smiled leaning back "morning Hisoka"

He sighs softly kissing the top of your head "good morning y/n~♤" he looks at everything you did for him. "I don't deserve you~♡" you grin and turn in his embrace and leaned up kissing him softly before feeding him a blueberry.

He chuckles chewing on the small fruit with delight before letting go and grabbing his mug and yours motioning for you to sit which you did.

"We don't have no scheduled fights today so can we have a lazy day" you said excitedly if you had a tail Hisoka would have saw how quickly it would be wagging.

"Hmm I suppose we can dear~♧" he said smiling passing your mug over and began to eat. You fist pumped and started to eat as well already planning in your head what to do.

Of course Hisoka was planning other things because he licked his lip eyes getting dilated rather quickly. You pout "love no we just did that last night"

He smirks now "what makes you think thats enough~♤" you threw a blueberry at him which he caught laughing low.

"Pervert" you grumbled. "Only for you~♤" he teased.

He washed the dishes while you went to the loving room and tried to find a movie you both can watch maybe a tv show that you both would like and binge together.

He comes out the kitchen and wraps his arms around your shoulders leaning down and placing a kiss on your forehead his hair covering your line of sight.

You giggled "heyy i can't see" "aw love there is nothing you need to see but me~♡" you shake your head and lean up to kiss him again.

After you finally found a show to watch Hisoka sits beside you laying down so his head was on your lap which gave you the opportunity to play with his hair. It was one of the main things that made you love this Magician.

In the end you both fell asleep but your position changed once again laying down on the cough with your arms wrapped around Hisoka's body while he had his arms wrapped around you like a pillow with his head resting on your chest.

It was a very beautiful lazy day well spent with your dear clown boy.

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