♠️Ugh This Sucks♠️

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hisoka taking care of the reader where they are sick

Hisoka was asleep when he heard a soft cough. At first he thought is was just his imagination until another cough caused him to sit up and look down at the reader.

They was shiver and started a coughing fit, Their eyes was screwed shut from the pressure they felt. Hisoka was immediately by their side rubbing their back slowly.

Once he saw that their cough settled down he placed his hand on their forehead frowning when he felt it was to hot he sits them up to look at them

"How long have you been like this love?~♤" he asked worried. They looked to the side feeling their head throbbing and chest tight from the cough "s-since this morning.." they didn't meet their lovers gazes.

Hisoka sighs softly squeezing their hand lightly before getting up. He made his way towards the bathroom and found some medicine grabbing it and examined the label seeing it was good for the reader he walked back.

The reader saw the medicine he was holding and cringes "don't give me that love now be a dear and take it for me please~♤"

They blushed lightly of course he couldn't tell if it was from the cold or him but he likes to thing the latter was the reason.

"F-fine okay." They said sickly but opened their mouth when hisoka feeds them a spoon of the medicine he tried not to laugh

when their face scrunched up from the taste but they swallowed the wretched liquid and looked up at hisoka smiling weakly "t-thank you Hisoka~"

"Anything for you my love~♧" he smiled softly palcing the small bottle of medicine down. He leans down placing his hands on the

readers face kissing the top of their head then their rosy cheeks and last a soft kiss on their lips smiling.

They immediately pushed them away gently "n-no i might get you sick!" The reader exclaims. "I don't get sick that easy love don't worry~ now rest~♡"

He helps them get comfortable before slipping into his own side letting his arm rest around the readers waist the other under his head closing his eyes.

Of course when the reader woke up they was surprised they were feeling much better and smiled brightly

The reader was about to give their favorite Magician a big hug when they notice he wasn't in bed but in the bathroom.

They got up and went over but as they did they heard a cough and when they opened the door they was just in time to see their lover sneeze

They got up and went over but as they did they heard a cough and when they opened the door they was just in time to see their lover sneeze

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The reader chuckles " I would love to thank you for your help love but i feel me saying i told you so is much better~" they said giggling.

Hisoka sighs softly before smiling at them sickly "you did love you did~♤" the reader then proceeds to take care of hisoka.

It was then you realized he hated the medicine just as much as you did.


A/N: okayy these are my first two chapter i hope you like them and Request are open as i said~

Vote, Comments welcomed♡

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